Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fabulous Flurries!

As of yesterday evening, I had absolutely zero intent of running today and leaving the rest of this year's miles for Sunday and Monday as planned. But, not only did starting the upcoming Rest Week on a Tuesday make no sense (puh-leez), but I also saw flurries late last night which meant we could potentially run in some snow!! Yahoo!!

I knew there wouldn't be much accumulation (seeing as we had none in the forecast that I was aware of), so I couldn't help but want to get out in it because it's so pretty!

The pooch was, of course, very happy to oblige in the morning activity. She's been with me through all kinds of weather including snow that has frozen between her toes. (That's when she and I were newbies to not only running but also to running with paws in mind; I've since learned on her behalf!) She loved licking the snow all along the route. She can do so while running much like I'm pretty proficient in swiping a coin without substantially breaking stride. We're skilled like that just in different ways. Elly's way closer to the ground, so she has a huge advantage there. My advantage for my skill? Thumbs.

I digress. Back to the route ...

How cute is the running hound?!
We hadn't yet started, so this is not an in-action-lick. It's just
 an enjoyable one.
The powdery snow wasn't slick at all, so
we could cruise! And, there were flurries
going on, so it was simply fabulous!
We've now gone from practicing for her
poetic print ad to a very Senior Picture
Elly and I knocked out four miles today which makes the end-of-the-year mileage count to the goal substantially drop. On our Family Run tomorrow, we'll have just fewer than two miles to go to hit it! (That will work out well because it's going to be cold, and I seem to be the only one who thoroughly enjoys that!) And, what better way to hit that goal than to do so with the entire Crew?!! It seemed very appropriate given the hundreds of miles they've cheered, so that was another reason -- and, probably the best one -- for sticking a run in today!

So, tomorrow it is! I'll check in after the celebratory run!

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