Sunday, December 16, 2012

Been There

It was originally planned as a Family Fun Run day, but yesterday was so jam-packed of activity that it was best to set sail solo. Well, solo with a furry pal who did nothing but sleep yesterday.

It was foggy and a little frosty. Did you know your sweat will freeze? It totally will.
Indeed, those are little icies on my head. Crazy!
While this was quite lovely running weather for me and my desire to be chilly, that wasn't the best part of the run. My very favorite moment (besides the multiple finds ... 4 pennies, a nickel and a green BB to be exact) was when Elly and I were about to run down a hill where two women were just reaching the top. We saw each other from a distance which is when they moved over to the social-norm (right) side of the sidewalk. When I'm with Elly, though, I keep her to my left (as we who had it drilled into us, in old-school-and-shall-I-say-appropriate fashion, is the proper placement of a dog on a leash) which puts her between me and anyone coming toward us. Elly's pretty laid back, but I don't like putting her in between me and anyone nor do I think that's fair to the stranger. So, when I see someone coming, I outstretch my left arm as far as I can to make Elly very visible and non-verbally explains there's an actual reason I'm not relinquishing my side of the sidewalk.

Okay, so it took no time for the women to pick up on what was going on, and I heard one of them say to the other, "Let's go to the other side. To the other side. Over to the other side." When passing them, it was clear the one speaking was a practiced runner, and the other was either not as practiced or just not as practiced going up that nasty hill. Immediately upon passing me, two things happened. First, they both started walking. Clearly, the goal was to make it to the top. (Bravo, ladies!!) Second, the seemingly-not-as-practiced one did one of those noises -- was she gasping for a gulp of air, was she wanting to throw up a little bit, was she gagging, was she wanting to speak but found herself unable, was she wanting to punch her running partner and the grunt to do so got caught in her throat ... Or, was it the noise of the truly perfect storm of, "Totally did it, don't want to talk about it, can't talk about it, can't see myself ever doing that again. I. Am. Done."?

I don't know what hers was today. I can only say: Been there.

Fortunately for me, today was not that day where I was totally spent at the end. In fact, it was quite a good run and started they day off right! Even though it wasn't the run I anticipated, it was the right decision for everyone. And, it's always great to be with my pal and original trainer:
This shirt was originally made for a fabulous staff of mine.
I'm thinking it's perfectly reapplied.
Elly's been there with me from the first steps of this running
adventure. The literal first steps. She's heard those grody throat
noises from me. She's made some herself but that's because
she's yanking on her leash like a total tool. But, she's our tool.
She and I are at it again tomorrow! We will see you then from the streets.

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