Sunday, February 7, 2016

This Time, They Had Me At Dor-i-to ...

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!
I'd care a whole lot more if the Seahawks were in it, but it's still fun to pick a team and cheer! We have a house divided -- Aaron and Pit Crew #2 rooting for the Broncos while PC#3 and I are for the Panthers, so it'll be a fun rivalry in house!

First of all, the Panthers are the ones who knocked out the Seahawks. If they were going to be beat, I'd much prefer it be by the team that goes all the way. Second, how cool is it that Michael Oher (of The Blind Side story) is on the Panthers? That's pretty cool if you ask me ...

Of course, we make a bit of a thing about the Super Bowl no matter what which, of course, includes Super Bowl food. Translation: Of all days, this is the one where the kids can count on me to buy them a bag of Doritos. I don't like to have Doritos in the house because they'll be all gone, all the time. Not one of us would be immune to their deliciousness. This year, they're all for the kids because I stumbled across the most delicious snack recipe from Trim Healthy Mama that totally sets Doritos aside as far as I'm concerned! Not bagging on the Doritos as a whole. They're just not good for this mama anymore!

Anyway, the recipe came through my Facebook feed about a week ago, and the only thing I really remember about it was that the person reporting on it said it tasted like Doritos. I'm listening ... The recipe is in their new cookbook, so I had to look it up and give it a try.

They're called Crispy Addictions (p. 459), and they absolutely live right up to that name! You make them with large flake coconut (we found ours at Natural Grocers -- I'm getting pretty good at navigating asking the associates to find things in that store!). There's only a teaspoon of oil spread over the coconut, and, from there, the book has a sweet recipe as well as a savory one. We went for the savory which includes hot wing sauce, onion powder, nutritional yeast and garlic ...
They bake at the oven's lowest temperature for hours. The
directions are to leave them in there overnight. We did ours
during the day for seven hours, tasting a piece every few hours.
Toward the end, it was difficult to keep our hands out of the pan!
The finished, delicious-beyond-words product!
As soon as I got up this morning, I started making another batch. That way, I will be more inclined to share during the Super Bowl rather than ration and act like I didn't stash some out of everyone's sight. PC#3 reminded me he has Doritos and will be zeroing in on those, but, once they're gone ... For real, he really seemed to like this! I think he had a wee concern that if he looked like he really liked them, that there would be no Doritos for Super Bowl 51 ...

Two funny things about this recipe -- First: I am no fan of coconut. But, after baking for this long, it's not in-your-face coconutty. It's just a crispy base with a hint of coconut taste wrapped in all of the other mouth watering spicing! Second: Had I not seen this recipe on my Facebook feed, I'm not sure how it would have caught my attention in the cookbook. I think I saw it the many times I've gone through the book, but it never grabbed me. I'm definitely thankful for the THM recipe testimonials and how someone likened these to Doritos.

I wish you could smell my kitchen right now. Savory goodness just waiting to be devoured ... Mmmm ...

I wish your team luck this evening or, at least, that you enjoy whatever you make of the Super Bowl! I'll be checking in after what is forecast to be a very cold morning run!

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