Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Continued Evolution

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 105.2 (running: 104.5; walking: .7; biking: 0) Elly's miles: 62.2  Money Found For Food Bank: $38.91

I'm very intrigued by human behavior, and that often includes my own. For instance, there was a time where I would not have even considered exercising inside on a rainy day much less go run. Rainy running days evolved into a begrudging run on the treadmill which was replaced last year with swapping running miles for recumbent bike miles. It was during the past year, though, that I decided I probably wouldn't melt after all if I ran in the rain, so, I started being okay with it if it were just sprinkling and I wore a hat to keep the rain out of my eyes. And, to date, I keep my orange hat on the ready as I will go out in the rain unless it's a downpour. I don't really even worry about it anymore; I just get myself rain ready and head out.

This has been an evolution over the better part of a decade; I do eventually learn.

It was raining pretty steady when I looked out the window this morning. I wasn't thrilled about running in it since it was also 35 degrees, but I knew a run in the rain was heads and tails above any bike workout. I put on what I thought to be -- and what thankfully turned out to be -- just the right layers to keep me warm and dry-ish, left the pouting puppy and went for it.

The only real disappointment about running today was that I felt compelled to leave my new shoes and home and wear the ones I just replaced. They're a good shoe for short distances, and they are superstars in the wet with their tight weave. I only kicked or otherwise sideswiped puddles two or three times, and my feet were barely damp. Good shoe structure for the rain, not awesome for long distance miles!

Everything has its best purpose.

I ran what I thought was a 3-mile route (as scheduled) that turns out to be 4.3 I love when it turns out to be more than I thought rather than less, but, clearly, I need to pay more attention to and, perhaps, revisit what I think I know.

I came home rather cold but loved the warm sight of this:
That was a particularly sweet thing to see because, lately, they have been having bouts where they're fighting like cats and dogs. But, not really, they're fighting like cats. Because that's what they are. Anyway, I realize part of the above moment was purely functional as they cuddled to be warm, but even a cat won't cozy up to someone she hates. So, I enjoyed seeing them be sweet.

And, tomorrow? It's another run. It's the shortest of the week especially if I map the route correctly! Catch yourself doing something you wouldn't have done before, and be proud of that very moment! I'll be checking in after the morning run ...

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