Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Happy Times Two

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 74.6 (running: 73.9; walking: .7; biking: 0) Elly's miles: 43.1  Money Found For Food Bank: $32.66

Overnight, it was the kind of wind that kept waking me. The first two times, I woke up, sort of, but couldn't figure out what that noise was. The last two times, I knew exactly what it was. Both of those times, I did a mental scan of what did we leave out that might get damaged in the wind (as usual, the answer to that is nothing, but I always feel compelled to think about it), and I fell back asleep listening to the windows rattle and moan.

None of that supported a good night's sleep much less inspired the idea of running in the morning.

And, there came morning with the wind still a-howling. But, as I'd committed to myself to go run, run we did. Elly has no wind issues that I know of, so I knew there would be at least one happy soul out there!

It turns out there were two in the happy camp. The run is (almost) always better than it feels like it's going to be, so, within a half mile, I was good to go. That's exactly when I started noticing snowflakes, too, which always livens up my running mood! And, of course, Elly was just happy to be out there. She should have been, too, for all of the attention she was getting. Hardly a person passed her without commenting on her or directly to her. One guy even slowed his car down and rolled down his window to let me know he thought she was cool.
"What would you expect, mommy? I'm
like a super model. See my ears blowing
in the wind as I look wistfully past you?"
Indeed, she was the Bell of the Run, but I had to laugh (hard) when her ears suddenly perked way up and she got on running point targeting a cat up ahead. And, then the cat dashed under a bush, and Elly was mystified.
She kept sniffing in circles right about where I was squatted to take that picture never once looking ahead where she might have spied it. Let's just say her hounding skills are lacking a bit. Frankly, I appreciate that because I don't really need her bringing me rodent gifts from the backyard. Ever. Eww.

The next running adventures are scheduled for Friday and Saturday with tomorrow off for other biz! I'll be checking ... stay warm ... or cool ... depending on the day, amiright? Ahh, Missouri ...

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