Tuesday, June 30, 2015

More Than We Bargained For

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 569.5 (running: 412.1; walking: 24.6; biking: 132.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $47.54

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 569.5 Aaron: 354.4 (b: 319.7; w: 34.7)  Elly: 118.8 Total: 1042.7

So, did everyone get a good look at the sun last night and this morning?!
This is what it looked like through my windshield on the way to our morning run:
From what I heard on the news, there's a big, huge fire in Canada, and its smoke is way up there in the atmosphere even far enough South for us to have effects! It's high enough that we can't smell it, but it made for a really wonky color vibe on the day! You don't see something like that every day!!
You also don't tend to see such things as this when you head out for a run ...
... ah, but there it was. Why? I don't know.

I do know why the morning run with my girls ended up a little more than a mile longer than planned. It's called: My own, personal brand of paranoia. We were a little more than a half mile into it when I couldn't recall locking my car door. If you know me at all, you know I just had to find out. So, back we went. *sigh*

At least the temp was pretty low, as it wasn't even quite 70 degrees, and the humidity was light. With weather on our side, the backtrack wasn't too bad. It was only unfortunate at the end: Pit Crew #2 and I had decided to walk the very last stretch because it's up hill. However, right before the hill, we passed a group of men, one of whom kept calling out to us asking to run along with us. That's when I pulled out my go-to strategy of digging deep, being strong and -- you guessed it -- not walking up the hill! Was I worried? Actually, not at all. But, the using the strategy didn't hurt anything! We ended up sailing up the hill, admittedly motivated by demonstrating strength more than wanting to conquer the hill itself!

In between the doofusness at the beginning and the quick strategy rethink at the end, the run was good! Elly was a bit of a drag by the middle, so I experienced a great deal of resistance training. It was probably good for me, I just didn't want to participate in it! But, like I told PC#2, every run for Elly is a good one that will let her live longer or better or both, so it's worth taking her whenever I can.
"True story, mommy; you take good care
of me. You both do. I mean, look at sister
going way out of her way to throw away
my morning deposit? Such a nice girl." 
Along the way today, I kept thinking about how running this Summer has been going well, but it's not as long in mileage as I thought it might go. The best part of it is that I am totally okay with it to the point that I think I'll switch my Summer virtual Half Marathon plan to a 10K, and I'll aim to run a Half this Fall instead! The double bonus is that by switching the distance, I'll be able to run the entire distance with PC#2 instead of having her join my run in progress. Double. Win.

I still have to figure out when this will happen, but that's the easy part now!

So, after 4 planned miles, 1.2 whoops miles and a full dollar's worth of coins found, the trio wrapped up a strong run together:

While a run is intended for tomorrow, we have to wait and see what the weather holds! I'll check in with the outcome, thankful to be at peace with the flexibility and altered demand on myself to roll with whatever Summer weather rolls at me! Enjoy the start to your Wednesday, and I'll see you then!

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