Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Ways

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 533.6 (running: 377; walking: 23.8; biking: 132.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $42.85

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 533.6 Aaron: 310.9 (b: 280; w: 30.9)  Elly: 99.6 Total: 944.1

That's lucky or something, isn't it?
The morning run was a good one because I was joined by my girl. The two-legged one, not the furry one. It was almost 10 degrees cooler with slightly less humidity this morning than it's been all week, but, that's not really saying much especially for Pit Crew #2 who did not have an opportunity to torture herself in it this past week. I kept reminding her to slow it down and that we were taking it easy when we headed out. By the end of the first mile, she understood why!

Today seemed a day where I had opportunities to share with her The Ways ...

The first came at the end of Mile 2. It went like this:
Me: You know you're working hard when your forearms are dripping with sweat!
PC#2: I know. It's sooo gross. I hate that feeling.
Me: Um, no, it's awesome. This is the one time you can sweat and be gross and just not care!
PC#2: Oh, that time is now?
Me: Yes! You've heard that 'sweat is liquid awesome' thing! This means we are ass kickers!
PC#2: Oh. Well, okay then.

I don't really think she was convinced, but that's her choice. It's this next bit of wisdom ... the ways of the run ... that I most definitely wanted her to listen to: We just ran past a lengthy row of bushes and other foliage when we heard some man yell out, "Run, girls, run!" The tone was most definitely "You go!" versus a threatening "You'd better run!" And, from where the voice came and where we were, there was no threat. But, getting any kind of random, where'd-that-dude-come-from attention always makes me put on my game face. To PC#2 I said, "I can be on Mile 11 down town and totally spent, but if some random person seems to be paying more attention to me than necessary, you better believe I straighten up and make it look like I just started out." I'm confident she took note. I'll continue to remind her of this. Being aware of not just others but of yourself is always a good thing.

And, then there was the moment right before Mile 3 where I had to challenge her ways. You see, it's on this particular route and at that particular point that PC#2 always ... always ... wants to take a little walk break. Now, I'm totally down with the walk break concept. But, today, I had to ask her: "Question. Is there an actual reason that you consistently pick a walk break on one of the flattest parts of the route?"

I've clearly failed at imparting the 'walk on an up hill' wisdom. I'll keep trying.

Oh, her response? "I think I just hate that stretch." Umm ... okie doke ...

We wrapped up a pretty solid run going a little more than 4.5 miles and scoring 45 cents, all the while pondering some of life's biggest questions and not collapsing under the humidity blanket.
There were some cool flowers behind us.
We blocked 'em. (Blocked in part by my
new Go Girl shirt of the appropriate size!)
I'm resting tomorrow. That's all there is to it! Happy slide into Sunday; I'll see you from there ...!

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