Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Walk Trumps Do-Nothing

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 571.6 (running: 412.1; walking: 26.7; biking: 132.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $47.54

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 571.6 Aaron: 364.2 (b: 329.5; w: 34.7)  Elly: 120.9 Total: 1056.7

Ready or not ...
... Not that there's any surfing going on around here, but it's still a great way to welcome the new month! I'm hoping for some swimming later this afternoon; after a sizable rain earlier and lower temperatures, I might be the only one of the four of us ready for some pool time. But, any pool time is better than none for me!

I can't always say the same for running, though, and this morning certainly lived right up to that sentiment!! It had been raining up to the point we would have headed out to run, but, it stopped giving us no excuse to not go. So, instead of using excuses, we simply said, "No, not today." Even Pit Crew #2 was in need of a break from running, so we took it. We leashed up Elly and went for a walk instead!

Elly was super happy to go!
"Can't stop this groove to smile, mommy!"
She was very excited to find one of her new favorite things along the route, too:
"I DO love the bird nests, mommy!! They are full of awesome
She even found one yesterday:
She was thoroughly intrigued by it until she discovered the nearby bird droppings. Apparently, bird poo smell trumps fallen nest.
Going out to walk trumped not doing anything at all, too, by the way. I would have loved to have not done anything at all, but the time was there to go do something. PC#2 was also happy to do something even if not knocking ourselves out. That's not what it should be about anyway.

PC#2 and I have a run planned for the morning with no reason to believe weather will get in the way of it! Elly will be given a break. Yesterday's whoopsie-mile was just a bit much for her. She's fine, but I can see she needs to break from running. She'll be bummed, but she'll forget about it by the time we return home!

Start your July off with a bang (yahoo, fireworks are a'comin'!), and I'll see you after the morning run!

1 comment:

  1. A walk with Elly and friend is always a good thing!
