Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Every Step Counts. Which Is Different From Counting Every Step.

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 556.3 (running: 399.7; walking: 23.8; biking: 132.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $46.39

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 556.3 Aaron: 350.7 (b: 310.2; w: 30.9)  Elly: 105.6 Total: 1012.6

After a nice, strong run yesterday, today felt a lot different! And, that's because the humidity changed. Considerably.

I recently paid attention to the weather forecast enough to pick up on some knowledge about humidity. Basically, humidity levels 40% or lower will not affect the temperature. So, 80 degrees will feel like 80 degrees. I like those days.

But, once it goes above 40%, things start to heat up particularly once the level is 70% or higher. Between 40 and 50%, there will be some mild increases in the temp. But, at 70% and above, count on the temperature feeling at least a 7 degree jump if not 10 degrees or even more. I never knew what to 'do' with the reported humidity percentages, so that explained a lot to this girl! Add to it all the difficulty your body has cooling off in the humidity since your sweat can't efficiently evaporate, and the code is cracked as to why humid runs make the ol' ego take a huge hit if you don't consider the real, natural factors!

Pit Crew #2 and I considered those factors right on up a hill we walked today! Wait, did I say 'a' hill? I meant two of them. It was just grody out.

Before hitting the hills, we started out without my clarifying our route to PC#2. We started in when I told her where we were going to which she said, "Um, that's not three miles (like I promised her last night). That's, like, four." To which I said, "It's four and a half." To which she sighed. To which I said, "But, we have to go to that drive thru ..."

The girl gets me. And, we found 14 cents, so it was worth it.

We actually took off nice and strong, but the last mile was a butt kicker. I used our slowed-down time to take in some of the scenes:
With this run, I'm right under the 400-mile mark for the year. By the end of the month, it looks like I'll be about 75 miles short of consistent pace to hit my original goal of 900 miles this year. Right now, I'm good with it because everything is flowing along without losing its charm. We'll see what I end up doing, but right now isn't the time to dwell or concern myself with it. It's just time to keep going ...

Every effort through the heat pays off big time in the Fall. It happens every year, so the focus right now is being consistent! That's what will serve me best! Serving me even better (at least mentally!) is resting the weary muscles tomorrow!! So, that's the plan, but I'll be checking in! See you then ...

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