Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Let the Dog Days Begin

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 524 (running: 367.4; walking: 23.8; biking: 132.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $42.33

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 524 Aaron: 300.9 (b: 270; w: 30.9)  Elly: 99.6 Total: 924.5

On a random note, I was just out watering my garden when a bug flew in my ear. It just kept fluttering and fluttering. I'm still kind of freaked out ...

So, this morning's run was 10 degrees cooler than yesterday's, and that was a most-welcomed switch!! I only planned to go three miles today (and stuck to it), but I enjoyed the drop!

I also enjoyed seeing this:
One of the things I really love about our downtown is the plethora of dogs out walking their owners on most mornings. And, as pictured, there are many that are tied to a chair or so while the owner is inside. You can bet that in a few short minutes, this guy's owner is going to be stationed in one of those chairs for a nice, slow start to the morning soaking in the beginning of a Summer day. That's how our downtown works.

These are mornings it's best to not have Elly with me, though. That just makes it complicated for everyone no matter how polite and accommodating everyone is!

However, this is probably the best day to show one of my latest acquisitions:
I saw it, and it had to be mine.

Tomorrow's the first of two scheduled Rest Days! I'm looking forward to them and the plans that made them so, but I'll still be checking in!! See you from the first of the duo ...

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