Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Three More Before ...

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 58 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 235.2 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 120.2 Money Found For Food Bank: $23.44

I would crank a wee bit about the wind we just had that blew some really chilly showers through the area, but it was actually supposed to happen this morning when I was running. Instead, the weather for our run was perfect. So, there's no complaining coming from me!

The weather was so good that I actually felt myself run again. Through this batch of training, I've had very few outings where I was both inspired to run and actually did it at the same time. I think that happened a total of two times since January. For real. This morning, however, I felt the good weather just wrap around our run, and we took off!
Okay, this is what happened when I got home ... Elly was so
stoked for some nice weather, that she just camped out in the
morning sun. And, there's Daphne sunbathing (and making
Elly step over her to get in and out of the house, but that's what
kitties do ...). Anyway, no one was moving from her spot. And,
really, why would they?
I again got to test out my capris on this morning's run, and the official verdict there is that they are good to go for the long haul this weekend both in total comfort and ability to safely carry my camera. (Remember the rule of never, ever wearing something untested for an official run. For me, that means a Half because I'm not competitive enough to have things really bother me at less of a distance, but I do not want to be uncomfortable or otherwise irritated for 13 miles ...) I have ways to address my toe issues (aka: bandaids), my shirt is in hand as of yesterday (with tested backup options in waiting in case of weirdo weather), and all hair accessories are ready to roll.

It's about time to do this!!

I will confess to some home-stretch nerves that I attribute to some really crappy training conditions. I joke about making the route sweeper driver my BFF, but that's only funny if I don't wind up behind  the sweeper vehicle! And, do I really have that to worry about? Probably not. But, that's how lousy training went these past 3 months, so what I envisioned as a race I could totally take on has changed dramatically. In many ways, that vision had to change to make sure I didn't hurt my leg or back farther, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. It also means I really, truly have no idea what this upcoming run will bring ... and, in some ways, just like my first-ever Half, that's both scary and exciting!

Never fear, my nerves will shift to totally productive by the time I'm in the corrals. Oh, speaking of which, I've already decided to move myself back in that regard, too. The time I registered as my anticipated finish requires a start pace that I'm not willing to take on because I don't think my training supports allowing it out of the gates. Being chip timed, it makes no difference in my run time to move, but it will make a difference to me mentally and, frankly, to those around me to put myself where I need at the start. Passing people is way easier -- and, way less obnoxious -- than being the one holding up the works. My pace will kick up and settle in where it needs to be. That part always works itself out. And, it's nice to have so many miles behind me to have faith in that!
"That's right, mommy, it's called the puppy
pace. It's a good one. I use it all the time.
I invented it. I'm so proud. *SLURRP!* "
By the way, have I mentioned I can't wait for the Expo?! JUST SAYIN'!! That's where the real excitement tends to brew ...!!!

I know that was out of nowhere. I don't care.

One more training run to go!! Yeah ... I do think I'm getting a little excited!! See you after the morning run!

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