Saturday, April 7, 2012

Yes, I Had No Bananas

Okay, this morning's run was not poised to go well. I woke up at 5 a.m. and could not get back to a good sleep. I delayed the alarm for an extra half hour with the hopes of using that time constructively for sleep. That simply didn't happen. Do I really need to outline why I really, really did not want to go out and run? Yowza!

Of course, out I went anyway. (You don't bail on your last long run the week before a Half. That would put a girl in a worse position than running after a few crummy hours of sleep!) I wasn't a half mile in when I realized I had eaten nothing before leaving. Zero. Bravo, Nancy, way to learn the lesson of good fuel this week and then not use it! Winning logic, huh? Oh well, I wasn't turning back.

My outlook perked up when I came across this:
Be free, new robin, and welcome to the world!
I was waxing poetic in my head about the signs of Spring and new life when the next quarter mile or so was nothing but gross. Let's see: There was a crow pecking its way in to another robin's egg that had not yet hatched, mean old bird. Then there was a dead baby turtle. And then another one. And then a dead snake. What on earth was going on? It was like running through dead man's stretch and entirely depressing!! I couldn't get out of there fast enough! Yuck! Nice way to spend the first mile!

My outlook for the rest of the route was hopeful because I purposely designed it to pass through an intersection where yesterday I spied a penny, but I was in the car, there was traffic, and I had to leave it there in the street. (gasp!) I also designed it to go by a lake by which I often drive because, lately, there has been a mallard duck hanging out, and I wanted to see if he was there this morning. At least the run had hope!

It turned out that I didn't just have hope, I had luck on my side! Right at the top of a long hill at mile two, ba-da-bing!
10 cents on a 10-miler. That is great math!
Just before spying the dime, I saw signs of life. You know. A direct contrast to mile one:
Cute little bunny. Very cute since it's not in my garden eating
my flowers ...
Now, those were good ways to recharge the ol' run! The luck did not run out there, though! I found a penny at an intersection at mile 3.5, and -- as hoped -- the one from last night was still there where I saw it! Well, it was close ... it seems a car or two or more ran over it since yesterday and moved it. But, that's okay, because after a mini search (which, yes, I stopped to do!), I found it! Ta-Da! Given the traffic situation at that intersection, I did pass on the picture, though. I was already the weird girl pretending to stretch her calves while looking for the penny, I didn't want to become Weird Stretching Girl Taking Pictures Of the Ground (in an ugly shirt) ...

I motored right along heading toward the spot I hoped to see the duck when I came upon this:
Ah, interest in the sidewalk. Usually cool.
Now, I ran this little slice of sidewalk character, but back when I was starting the fourth mile, I was on a sidewalk that twisted and turned to such a degree that I *know* the cumulative turns added a few tenths of distance (every. tenth. counts.!) and, get this, the turns were getting me a wee bit dizzy (um, probably because I was still looking off to the side to spot rogue pennies ...). I got off that sidewalk and hit the street. Where I found a penny. Take that, twisty sidewalk!

Onward to the duck spot, and I was totally in luck:
See 'em back there? Do you want to know I totally thought they
were geese when I took this? I discovered they were ducks when
I got home, for crying out loud! In my defense, I had a bit of sweat
in the ol' eyeballs while at the pond. You now understand
my sight plight.
I did see them clearly here, though! Fabulous!
This totally made my run. I've only ever seen the male, so it was nice to see him out on the town with his best gal!

With almost 4 miles yet to go and a sky that was turning dark in the West, I carried on. Can I just tell you how crazy yummy my grapes were at this point?
After mile 6, I usually have 2 every mile when it's hot, every
other mile when it's cooler out (like today). They were oh-so
very juicy and flavorful today. I couldn't help but wonder if
they were juicier having been in my pocket longer than other
days. Then I wondered if that was gross. Then I realized my
pocket was clean when I put them in, so I chose: not gross.
For a run that started off on crummy morning sleep and a stretch of unfortunate animal demise, these 10 miles were superb! I was a little out of it mentally (wow, like that's new in the morning), but, physically, all systems were firing great. That is the kind of feeling that keeps me pretty stoked for next weekend's big one!

Another thing that lights a bit of a fire under my can is when I am a mile away from home, and I hear thunder. *Gulp!* It was clear it was at a distance, but I had no idea how fast it would be overhead. So, I picked up the pace! I was so focused on psyching myself up mentally to pick it up in the last mile (not a typical method!) that, at first, I didn't recognize some friends coming toward me:
Look who it is!! Hooray! A by-chance meeting is always fun!!
I slowed my roll and joined my favorite pals to round out my last half mile. Being with them was way more fun than taking off by myself. Elly might have pulled herself off her leash had I taken off without her, anyway, so why not make everyone happy?!

We just beat the rain coming:
The sky was darker than this shows.
But, the ominous sky and sounds coming from it did not stop a couple of pics with my original trainer:
"Sweaty Mommy is a tasty Mommy."
I love this girl!!!!!
It was a great run. A really great run. By the end, it was nice to know that all things rotten got out of the way in the first mile. The only yuck by the end was my very ugly shirt! I leave you with my treasures and will see you on Rest Day!

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