Saturday, April 14, 2012

It Takes All Kinds

Okay, the big event is tomorrow, it appears the weather is going to cooperate, and I really, really need to go to bed! BUT! I do not do so before sharing the following revelation I made today: There are more porta-potties lining the street of the start/finish area than I have ever seen in my life. I mean to tell you they are double-lining a city block and then some. It's a vision that holds a number of emotions ... stunned (who knew that many existed much less in one place?); disgusted (need I explain?); relief (again, need I explain?); anticipation (I knew there were lots of people registered, but knowing and seeing are two different things!).

So, as I start to wind down (hopefully) before winding up tomorrow, I must mention that Aaron met up with a man wearing a "Marathon in all 50 states plus the district of Columbia" (woah! I bet he's going to beat me), and the man went on to explain he did 16 marathons in 12 states 2 years in a row (yeah, me, too! I think I saw him once.). Further, he said he's run about 170 marathons (Let's add that up for registration fees! Of course, I don't think he'd like my "Run slower and get your money's worth" humor.)

Most sincerely, I wish him well as I do every, single person who registered from first to last. While he and many others smoke the finish line, I will proudly wear my Embrace the Pace shirt and possibly wondering why I didn't purchase this one from the Expo:
See you after crossing it tomorrow!

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