Sunday, April 22, 2012

Whoops: Nancy Math Didn't Add Up

I can't say I'm surprised that I screwed up my latest mathematical feat. I'm a bit yikes! about it, but I'm not surprised!

You see, I pulled down the ol' calendar today to start planning out running the next few weeks. In particular, I wanted to plot out what to do this week and next to see how up for the just-around-the-corner Half Marathon I am. For weeks, I thought my first long run post-Rest Week was going to be 9 miles. It turns out, it needs to be 10. See?
In case you need a closer look ... (I do because I'm a bit dazed from the reality bite):
Yup, that sure is a 10. For 10 miles. MAN! I was so focused on 9 ...

You'll also notice I put it all in pencil. I've never done that, but I'm trying to be realistic. If all goes well next Saturday with 10, it all goes in pen, I'll hand over my money to run (and obtain a what-color-have-I-been-complaining-about? shirt) and get the wheels in motion to take on another one!

I'm not going to lie, it feels a tiny bit overwhelming. But, this is the kind of thing that inspires me to push myself. I already know I can finish a Half within my own rules (timewise, how I feel after, can I get up early enough to train, blah blah ...). So, now I'm wondering if I really can take on another endurance run so soon.

Why would I want to? That's a good question and one for which I have a good answer because "Just because" doesn't really work for me. The bottom line is I originally considered taking it on in an effort to maintain the weekend long run momentum. It's a lot of work to build those miles to 13, and it feels weird to just let it slip away immediately once I cross the finish line! So, putting a requirement of an official event entry oughta do it ... at least until that run's over! (Ha!)

I may be completely looney, and I may fail miserably on this particular point. Or, it may be just fine. I may even totally surprise myself! I won't know unless I give it a shot, though, so off I go tomorrow to reboot! And, I'll be keeping this in mind:
I sure as heck have made up my mind to give it my all.
Thank you, Mary Engelbreit day-by-day calendar! 
And, thank you, Aaron, for completely and utterly believing in me. You're the best, Pit Crew leader. And, thank you for encouraging me to try even without the promise of post-race pizza :).

(For those of you who don't know the pizza promise, check out the shirts from September's Half):
They are worth soooo much more than the price of pizza!
See you after the morning run ... I'm off to make some spicy tofu dip!!

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