Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Stand Corrected

Okay, friends, I was not going to leave my new information hanging. I went on to talk about Mr. Marathon with Aaron who shared the rest of the story. This man's marathon philosophy is that he runs them slow(er) because it's easier on the body. Basically, he paces himself to keep himself from getting hurt if he can help it. AND, he has a friend who has run something in the ballpark of 700 marathons (holy smokes!!) and does so in a 6-hour window for the same reason.

HOT DOG there are people out there who do, indeed, EMBRACE THE PACE! I will be thinking of this dude tomorrow. That's my kind of inspiration!

And, to that end, is share yet another shirt I didn't buy at the Expo (remember, I bought socks, so I didn't just take pictures of stuff):
I'm pretty sure my face looks like that sometimes on the route, too. Regardless of distance. (First 5K, anyone?!) See you tomorrow ... whenever that is!

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