Wednesday, April 4, 2012


This morning's outing was the last scheduled long short run of my training schedule (long of the shorts = 5 miles), and I was very, very aware of this before heading out. After how many years and how many miles?, I still don't have it in my brain that running 5 is standard when I want it to be. I do have to keep at it to maintain it consistently, but it is totally doable. I just forget that sometimes!

The second 5-mile short run of this schedule is also big because it's the last of them before the big day. Next week is a week to taper. In other words, the run is JUST AROUND THE CORNER HOLY MOLY!!

While it's still not an immediate, comes-natural thought of what I'm truly capable of, I have finally figured out that there are some things I should do before running more than four miles to make that run go better. The first is that I should put a wee bit of fuel in the tank. Half of a banana makes a huge difference:
PC3 said, "Can I take the picture crooked?" Given that's how I
feel most mornings, I found it very appropriate! (That ugly shirt
makes me feel crooked, too.)
The second thing I should do before such a run is stretch. I don't tend to stretch for 4 or fewer whether I should or not. By 5, it's a good call. But, check it out. I totally forgot to do it. And, I am certain I forgot because I remembered the banana. It seems I can only remember one extra thing to do in the morning, and, today, the banana won out. Whoopsie.

Now, when I'm less than a half mile into a run and realize, "Woah, dumb head, you didn't stretch!" I get that I could stop and do so. However, I have a whole other strategy: Slow down. Yeah!! Totally works, too! I'm not a lightening fast runner anyway, so most people would not want to slow it down. I just don't care, so I used the first mile or so to let everything warm up. After that, I was good to go at normal Nancy speed.

Nancy speed is pretty good, I might add. It gets the job done, and, as you know, I enjoy my site seeing adventures that I disguise in a run. Favorite eye-spies today? For starters, this:
I love when a sidewalk is created around something like a tree.
It adds character and interest, don't you think? In the past, I've
often wished these places of character would count for more
mileage. Like for another quarter mile or so, you know? It seems
it's not quite that far around that tree, believe it or not!
And, then there was this, but it was a bit of a bummer (not as much of a bummer as a dead opossum, though, and certainly not as smelly):
I came across this ... it's a pink Lego piece, but it seems Legos
don't fare as well as coins when they're plowed by cars. So, I
left it there instead of bringing it home to the Lego aficionados.
Better luck next time.
I added a new street to today's route and wasn't sure what to expect. What I got was a treat ... I ran right by a retaining wall that had flowers almost at eye level!! It's like it was made for me!!
Right there for me to soak in while I passed. Awesome!!
These were along that same wall. Fabulous!
Ahh ... can't ask for much more than that!! Except perhaps a penny ... hee hee ...

The rest of the run was uneventful which is good. Although, there was a moment when I had the clear right of way because I had the pedestrian sign in my favor but a driver turning right decided that little lighted walking man meant speed up. It's important to note here that I am in the habit of looking over my shoulder before crossing a street to see if anyone is turning. Thank goodness for the habit. Just. Sayin'.

Tomorrow's run is a quick one! I'll see you after!

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