Thursday, April 5, 2012

Those Darned Bananas

Okay, I think everyone around me has always known it, but I now have indisputable proof: Something is just terribly wrong with my brain in the morning! I went to get a water bottle for after my run, but something about what I was holding was not quite right. It even took me a few seconds to figure it out!
I finally cracked the code and found a water bottle. Morning is just not my thing! It's a miracle to me that I even manage to get this running thing done most mornings let alone make it to a race in tact (oh, but let's not forget showing up to my first Half only to find out I'd left my purse in the hotel where we'd just checked out!! Do you want to know why I left it there? Because I had a banana in my hand instead of my purse!! I'm noticing a pattern in my world of forgetfulness, and bananas are the repeat offenders ...) Anyway, I was about to head out when my little friend threw me her take-me eyes:
Some days, it's just not in Elly's cards to be able to come. I would have loved to since it was a 3-miler, but it's a runner's club morning, and she can't go. Poor baby. As it turned out, no one was running outside today:
I returned home knowing I needed to get on the treadmill (boo!!). My speedy return gave Elly hope that I'd come back for her (because I sometimes do), but not today. So, she had to find a place to pout:
I cranked out my miles without being cranky about it, and I was on with the rest of the day! Oh, by the way, last night, I read about the upcoming Half course, and I read that it is "a challenging course." I turned to Aaron and said, "I don't want to do it anymore." Both of us know that's a lie, but still. Must I be told ahead of time it's challenging? My ignorance-is-bliss strategy for this course was working just fine up 'til then! And, challenging by whose definition? The first Half I ran had publicity about it being really flat, but I remember grumbling my way up an overpass that was not flat at all. (I was also a bit of a baby about it if I'm being honest.) Anyway, I guess I'm about to find out about this route ... and, I shall report!

You know what's not challenging? A scheduled Rest Day tomorrow!! Woohoo!! See you then!

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