Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shake It Up

I know you probably won't believe me, but with it 7 degrees warmer this morning than yesterday, it made this morning's 25 degrees feel like a heat wave! It's in the 20s in the Winter (yes, yes, I know it's technically Fall, I just don't care) where it's that in-between time for me ... not sure which layers to wear, how hot I'm going to feel because that depends a lot on the wind that day, etc. With very little wind this morning, I was a little too bundled for me. But, I've also learned, in general, that that's just me who gets too hot when it's 25.

Is this also just me? Check it out ... I did my run and was taking a short cool-down walk when *sniff* *sniff* ... what is that smell? No, not that gross-hot-need-a-shower-now smell ... it was something entirely different. Want to know what it was? (Don't be afraid.) It was garlic! There was a bunch of garlic in our dinner last night, and it was sweating out of me this morning. No wonder I didn't see any vampires on my route.

That happens to me when I eat a lot of garlic. I think it's excellent. Also excellent is this:
Look close: That's sweat that came through my ear warmer and froze. There will be a day this season where sweat on the ends of my hair will freeze. I'll show you when it happens.

Not excellent are my friends with their pouts on:
Elly gets so put out when she doesn't get to join me. She'll spend
the better part of the day working to forgive me.
Jacques could hardly stand his
disappointment. Poor fake friend.
Back to excellent things -- I went back to my very first running route this morning in an effort to shake up the scenery and avoid the stretch currently boring me (good news for you because I won't be complaining today). This morning's is the route that has what used to be an impossible hill for me right in the beginning. Today, I just cruised up. It was work, but it wasn't the kind of effort that used to defeat me mentally before even getting half way. Getting to the top of that thing holds multiple victories for me. Shoot, the entire route does given it's where I began and where I used to struggle the entire way. Not any more!

With these miles in the books, it's time to carry on with the day. If you have the chance, shake up your routine even if it's going in a different door from the one you normally use when going to the store for the third time today (I know that's not just me!). It might be just what you need for a bit of invigoration!

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