Friday, December 30, 2011

Rest Day Roundup

Okay, as in many, many places I'm sure, tomorrow in our city is a 5K walk to kick off New Year's festivities. I have never entered this run because the weather is too unpredictable -- could be sunny, could be raining and cold, could be icy. Who wants to roll the dice there?

But, it's not like you can't register closer to the date, right? And, given our forecast is for the temperature to be in the 60s tomorrow, I strongly considered registering us ... So, why did I not do so? Is it because it's Rest Week? (no) Is it because the forecast suddenly changed? (no) Is it because I missed the window for the less expensive registration? (no) It's because ... we weren't all guaranteed a shirt in the right size on the day of the race given the late registration.

Yup, it's true. The decision was made based on a shirt, and I make no apologies for that! While we were guaranteed a shirt of the right size two weeks after the run, there was no promise of one on the day itself. The shirt is a big thing when you're a kid entering these things, and I wasn't going to disappoint either Pit Crewer by saying, "Oh, you'll get it in a few weeks ... after it's long over ... and you couldn't wear it during the event like you enjoy ... and the thrill of it is gone ..." So, I passed on behalf of us all, and Aaron was totally behind it for the reasons I just gave. You have to have priorities!

Besides, the forecast now calls for wind all day (I hate wind ... I mean, I'm sure it has very important purposes, but I'm not well versed in what they are and certainly don't have them come to mind while running against it). Tomorrow's wind is to include gusts between 10 and 20 mph. Those are big gusts, friends; we've been dealing with them all day today. I would be such a crank after running in that with no fun shirt to wear after! No one wants that crankiness; it might be worse than my morning cranks. So, instead, we will be having our annual appetizers-for-dinner and playing games instead of running. Sounds like a good way to wind up Rest Week to me!

We're back to the streets on the 2nd, so there are only two more days to lounge in the morning! I hope Elly realizes this and takes advantage of her rest time, too. You see she is mighty spoiled in that area::
Her own couch, her own faux pillow pet for her weary head ...
what more could a girl want? That's Aaron savoring that Diet Coke,
by the way. He's not sleeping. He is setting an example of resting, though,
in his jammie pants lounging uniform. And, there's Jingle Jacques ...
 whose jingle is about to be retired for the year. It was a good run, JJ,
no pun intended. See you next year. Elly, you'll see the streets soon!
Round out your year the way you want! I'm totally stoked for all of the possibilities I already picture for the New Year, so my whole mission tomorrow is to focus and enjoy on what's in front of me! The rest will come ... and it's bound to be fabulous!

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