Friday, December 16, 2011

Rest Only From Running

It might be Rest Day, but there hasn't been much rest from the time I finished yesterday's run to right now! It's totally okay and how life rolls some times, but this is the kind of time frame where I have to remind myself that the Rest part of today applies only to my running intentions ...!

So, one of the things on today's docket was grocery shopping. I don't typically mind the idea of grocery shopping, but I tend to not like the reality of it by the time I'm finished. What often makes it easier is the cue I took from my mom and implemented into my own life: when I was younger, she often rewarded herself in some way on grocery shopping day. Usually, the reward was a salad from the store's salad bar to take home and enjoy after everything was put away. So, today, I wandered over to the deli section and bought myself these:
You might recall I first bought the whole wheat with flax variety. They're fabulous, but I wanted to try another kind, too. So, I came home, put away everything (which felt like a little marathon in the kitchen and up and down the stairs multiple times ... yay for running to condition myself for grocery shopping and laundry days!), and I made myself this:
Eat your heart out, Subway ...
This should give you a better idea of what size this is:
I should probably mention that's a 7-inch side/sandwich plate.

That breakfast was fabulous ... I microwaved the bread for 20 seconds, put on 2 egg whites, a pinch of cheese (literally a pinch, not like a fist full and I'm calling it a pinch!), a couple of black olives sliced and a mess of black pepper. Mmm ... mmm ... mmm ... AND it totally re-energized me (as I seemed to have left most of my energy at the grocery store ...).

With that, I continue on with Rest-and-by-that-I-mean-no-running Day, and I'll see you tomorrow. The weekend days are flipped, so I get two Rest Days in a row with Sunday's run scheduled with my Best Pal! WooHoo!! Enjoy your Friday however full it is!

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