Friday, March 18, 2016

Jedi Mind Trick

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 212.3 (running: 195.6; walking: 4.7; biking: 12) Elly's miles: 97.6  Money Found For Food Bank: $43.16

Yay, Friday!!! I think that speaks for itself ...
I was mentally kicking myself this morning as I was fighting off so many "I don't wannaaaa!"s about this morning's run. I am a big believer in that whole thing about whatever you tell yourself about something, then that's how it's going to be. Or, whatever the saying is. Anyway, the truth of the matter, which I've previously admitted, is that I'm not a huge fan of the 11- and 12-mile training runs. They're long for what feels like no reason, and I tend to get bored thinking about them because they're the same streets I run all. the. time. Even if I mix up the route, it's not like I don't know where I am. So, I try my best to ignore that they're coming and then get through them as best as possible.
I know -- it's hardly a set-up for success.
I was kind of double-dreading this one because having planned on another Half toward the end of May, it's not too far away that I need to do it again. That particular fact jumped into my head yesterday, and I wasn't too stoked. And, then, I started thinking ...
My first thought was that Pit Crew #2 saw this medal come through Facebook the other day ...
... and she all but started to drool. I told her I'd been considering registering us for it which is when she put in the immediate request to do so with a 10K. So, yesterday, I thought it would be fun to bag the Half and swap it for a 10K with my girl. With a couple of computer clicks on the virtual page, the deed was DONE.
I haven't completely wiped out the idea of the Half because (of course) my brain kept going during the day which is when I further realized how many training schedules are out there that never require an 11- or 12-mile training run. Many only go up to 10, not even getting there with the incremental mile addition each week mine uses, and you just run it out on race day. I've never tried it ... but, I just might.
With no need to make such a decision, but with what felt like a mental load lifted off of me, I headed on out this morning. And, can we say, "Brrrr ..." It was 49 but breezy and completely overcast. It was a blessed combination, though, because it's easier to run when it's chilly versus when the sun's beating on you. I think that was a huge contributor to this run going as well as it did. I'd identified the three spots on the route I knew would be most challenging, and not one of them bothered me. They were a challenge but in the way that you feel awesome and not like you narrowly escaped defeat by way of collapsing. I barely felt worn until I had only a half mile remaining, so the gears were on auto-groove today. Here are some of my favorite scenes:
The one on the left kept going under until it spied me. Then it
was all, "Aw, hell no, I'm not taking my eyes off of you!"
This is my super-awesome view of one of my favorite spots.
You can totally see why, right? Yeah, me, either. Nice shot!
I love love love love love when I see these!!
I was totally coordinated with nature.
These guys greeted me rounding out my ninth mile. I do so
love all of the colors!
So, the mindset difference totally worked. As basic as it sounds, it's true that focusing on something positive -- even if it wasn't directly about what I needed to do that very moment -- kept me out of my own way. It's like I'm my own Jedi mind trick.
It's a jam-packed Rest Day tomorrow, so I'll be checking back Sunday in after not resting at all! Have a great start to your weekend, and I'll be checking in after Sunday's morning run!

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