Saturday, July 25, 2015

Running With My Girl Is Like My Own, Personal Story Time

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 619.9 (running: 448.4; walking: 26.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $50.46
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 619.9 Aaron: 383.8 (b: 349.1; w: 34.7)  Elly: 127 Total: 1130.7

As the morning turned out, both Pit Crew #2 and I got our way. I planned to run no matter what even though I really wanted to sleep in a bit. PC#2 didn't want to run at all because she wanted to sleep. But, before she went to bed last night, she came over to my side of things and decided to run. She puts my teenage years to shame, but we're not talking about that right now.

I told her we needed to go out earlier than later because of the projected heat. Then, shortly before our alarms were to go off, it was thundering and raining pretty hard. Alarms, off! We both stayed in bed a little more than another hour. SCORE!!

We woke up around the same time we would have otherwise been finishing our planned run, and, as luck would have it, it was about 10 degrees cooler than expected for that time in the morning. We hurried to get ready so it wouldn't go away, and we went out the door to start the morning together! DOUBLE SCORE!
I love running with my girl for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which is it's just more focused time for us to just talk. (She picked a good point in my running to start joining me; had we started together years ago, she'd be talking to herself ... if she weren't terribly distracted by my labored breathing just sayin'.) We don't have much of a problem finding talk time, but who doesn't want more? On today's agenda: Teen Drama. In today's 'complicated' scenario, this one guy likes this one girl uhhhh-gain, only he's not asking her out and, instead, seeking the advice of the girl's best friend, all the while the girl he likes isn't sure she likes him but doesn't really have an opportunity to reciprocate nor decline any offer for a date because the dude won't step up.

The above is my synopsis. PC#2 was much more sympathetic to the plight of all in her story.

You can guess I cut this all to the chase as I broke it down the way I saw it for my girl. Dude: Step up and take a chance. Best Friend: Get out of the middle of it and tell the dude that the decision is up to the girl and not you so he needs to be talking to her. Girl: Don't worry about it until he steps up. Then, if you want to go out on a date, accept. It's just dinner, not a marriage proposal. If you don't, respectfully decline.

Easy. And, yes, that is the way I operated even in high school. Drama has always made me want to barf.

As we plodded up a hill, PC#2 said, "Wow, it really isn't as complicated as I thought." I'm here for you, girl. I love running with her, and not just because we're running ...

Also here for us is Pit Crew #3!!
My little one is so very tall! I mean, my little ones are tall!!
You haven't seen him in a while, so I had to show him off. He's with Aaron almost every time we are picked up from our stopping point. It's cool, too. Sometimes they were out and about anyway, but, other times like today, he just tagged along. Even when they're already out, it's usually out of their way to come get us, and he doesn't complain in the least. That's what I call totally supportive!

In opposite world, check out the unsupportive-of-life cat:
She lies in wait, ready to trip the next person not paying
attention while walking down the stairs ...
Since we ran today, we're off tomorrow!! Yahoo!! It's forecast to storm, too, so this might all work out perfect all the way around! Make the most of every opportunity in front of you, and enjoy the rest of the weekend!!

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