Thursday, July 30, 2015

Eye Candy

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 634 (running: 462.5; walking: 26.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $51.56
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 634 Aaron: 383.8 (b: 349.1; w: 34.7)  Elly: 127 Total: 1144.8

It was such a beautiful, breathable morning today that I went an extra mile and a half and saw some awesome stuff! Right off the bat, there were these:
I'm normally not a big fan of sidewalk obstruction because it usually means there's something on the ground just waiting to trip me. But, coming upon a sidewalk with a whole mess of zinnias spilling on to it? Yes. Please.

That moment was yet another reminder of one of the many factors contributing to my enjoyment of running: There is no way I would have seen these flowers from my car especially when the road, in this instance, is on the right and the flowers are blooming and falling to the left. Running has made the city I've called home for 28 years more of my own because I've seen so much of it up close and personal.

Another sight that caught eye to the point I passed it but backed right back up was this:
In all of these years, I never realized we had an ally that is not only so long but is also down hill. I thought all of them in this area were flat. Doesn't it look like an awesome place to sled?!?! If not for the fact that I'm standing to take the picture on a pretty heavy-traffic street, it would be awesome for sledding! I just don't recommend it ...

Okay, here's another couple of things that caught my eye that I most definitely wouldn't have otherwise seen:
Aren't those cool?! I've seen the ornamental peppers in garden centers, but I've not seen purple ones. and, I never think of how to use them, so I'm glad someone else figured it out. Both of these were in planters on a pedestrian-only area; I was glad to make the turn onto the path!

It was wonderful in and of itself to be out on a sunny morning where I could enjoy the sun instead of feeling like it was roasting me; these pretty visuals were icing on the cake! I also found 40 cents to boot -- what a great morning!!

A Rest Day is on deck for tomorrow before the weekend run. Given everything that's on the schedule, it's unlikely to be restful, but it'll still be a great Friday! Have a great almost-Friday day!! I'll check in tomorrow ...

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