Thursday, July 2, 2015


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 574.6 (running: 415.1; walking: 26.7; biking: 132.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $48.20

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 574.6 Aaron: 364.2 (b: 329.5; w: 34.7)  Elly: 120.9 Total: 1059.7

Pit Crew #2 and I have what could probably be considered a bit of an unusual relationship. She's solidly in the teen years, and we both still want to be around each other a lot. It's not the kind of mother-daughter relationship I experienced, and it's not one I see as overtly as may exist. But, it's exactly what my goal was from the split second I knew I'd get a crack at creating a mother-daughter relationship. I put everything I had and threw every tool I knew at building a relationship with the kids that would carry us the best we could into, through and out of the teen years.

It's a good thing I did, too, or she and I might have killed each other on our run this morning.

A perfectly imperfect pair.
While our relationship is truly an awesome one, it is not without its moments. And, in today's second mile, she said something that annoyed me, and then annoyed me further, so I got all mom on her and (if I'm being honest) annoyed her, too. We went from a super-strong (amazing what happens when we're both rested and sans pooch), peaceful first mile to a bunch of sighs, gripes and (likely) eye rolls in the second.

I hate when that happens.

But, I love that it doesn't last. By the third mile, we got back on the same page and went on with our run. As with any encounter, I hoped she was processing what, well, what I hoped she was while I was replaying it all to see what I can do better next time. And, we kept on going. A perfectly imperfect pair.

On the way home, we stopped at the usual gas station for my morning Joe (don't worry, Diet Coke; I'm not cheating on you. It's just what I call you.). All of the attendants there know us and are more than used to our disheveled-if-not-stinky presentation. As I was getting my change, the attendant said to PC#2, "I haven't yet figured out why you always tag along after her. Is it because she makes you? Is it because you love her? Is it because you are trying to gain some kind of approval you are not otherwise receiving*?" There was a fourth answer, but, frankly, I was so secure with the second answer that I zoned out.

*Yes, yes, that is exactly what he said. I know ... that can be pretty dangerous territory to just be throwing out there. That definitely would have been dangerous to ask me at PC#2's age. I can only guess he has seen us for enough years that he safely assumed that wouldn't be the answer. But ... wouldn't it have been funny if PC#2 had immediately and dramatically proclaimed, "THAT'S IT!! SOMEONE FINALLY UNDERSTANDS!!" and threw her smelly self on the floor of the gas station flooding the place with fake cries and other outbursts? There are security cameras in there; I think we might have wound up on YouTube. And Dr. Phil.

When he finished his multiple choice question, PC#2 looked at him and said, in the key of Duh, "Because I love her."

While secure with what she would say, it's the kind of thing that always does my heart good while it refuels the, "The work is totally worth it and pays off" tank that just took a hit when we were annoying each other. From running to relationships, the work put into anything is always worth it. And, in this case, it's even better when the two combine. Or, when they collide as in this morning's run!

I couldn't have asked for a better morning run.

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