Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Indeed, I'm One Of THOSE

I know I complain about the treadmill more than any reasonable person should, so allow me to take this opportunity to give it a nod of thanks ... thank you, treadmill, for not breaking down, for working when I need you to and for providing me a place to run when I want when Mother Nature had other plans for me.

There, I said it.

Check it out, this morning's 5-miler on the ol' treadmill whizzed by. Could it be that watching an episode of Kortney and Kim Take Miami was that intriguing? I'd love to deny watching certain t.v., but I won't. I'm all about good t.v., trash t.v. and almost everything in between. T.V.: Good. And, I was totally on the reality t.v. bandwagon before it became cool. (For real, it's cool to some.) And, hey, it worked. Before I knew it, I had only one mile to go. YAHOO!!! I almost let out a victorious scream when I saw my status, but I required myself to focus. Training the brain is part of the whole process! And, that must be why I watch such shows on the treadmill ... no thought required of the show. Brilliant!

(Remember when I recently answered my friend's "What's your guilty pleasure song?" question? Yeah, I felt guilty about none of my muscial answers ... t.v. seems to draw out the guilty pleasure issue for me!)

Also notable for today: A year ago today was that 5-miler when I fell off of a curb when saying hello to a friend also out running. I know, I'm smooooooth. I'm also thankful there wasn't a repeat performance. Falling off a treadmill has to be a whole different animal than off a curb!

Well, guilty pleasure-ridden or not, I rocked my miles and was heavily rewarded later at the store:
Oh, yes, I'm one of those who checks the change slots. You
never know! This stash was found between two different
machines! Wahoo!! (I've always done this -- on my first date
with Aaron, I found $2.10 in a pay phone. I'm sure it added to my
clout once he saw it actually paid off and I wasn't just being
unnecessarily embarrassing.)
You can guess it's a bit of a bummer not to find and contribute to my Snoopy Bank for the Food Bank when I'm stuck indoors, so this kind of score totally helps make up for that!

Oh, and allow me to share something off topic:
Does someone look familiar?!
The young Crewers and I did some paper mache egg painting. Amidst the traditional (and the Easter walrus and polar bear), I had to make an ode to Elly!!
And, on tomorrow's docket: Three! Ahh ... sounds good! We'll see you after the run!

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