Thursday, March 14, 2013

What Goes Around Comes Around

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone asks a question, and the auto-response is, "I don't know." Seriously. It drives me crazy. Hardly if ever does an answer need to stop at I don't know.

So, I find it intriguing that if I were to be asked why today's run totally rocked in every way as compared to the other runs of the week which did not, I could only answer, "I really don't know." (See how I changed that up by adding a "really"? I'm slick like that.)

I reported to Aaron after running that if I could bottle that run and repeat it, I would. I was strong beginning to end even going up hills, I was focused on what I was doing, I felt the challenge but was inspired rather than tired, and I finished knowing I'd just left everything I had on the route. In a good way. And, very unlike what Elly leaves en route.

Sometimes, a good or a bad run has nothing to do with anything you did or did not do. Some days, all systems are firing while, on other days, everything seems to work against itself. By and large, I can assess why a run was good or not-so-much, but, there most definitely are those where there isn't anything on which I can put a finger. It just was. Therefore, the most honest answer I can give about today's success is, "That's just the way it sometimes goes."

Is such a vague analysis frustrating because it makes the experience hard to repeat? Yeah. But, it'll come back around. Trust me. I've been in both camps of inexplicably good and bad runs. Many times. Just keep going.

In the meantime, I have to note one of my favorite moments that comes from running is the moment Elly and I stop (and, you thought I was going to say "finding money"). No, it's not because we're finished, it's because she immediately turns to me for her post-run hugs and kisses. She doesn't miss a beat. She stops, she throws here ears back while turning toward me and gets her wag on while getting the love. She rocks.

Check her out -- she wouldn't look at the camera (seriously, why such a diva about the camera when we're running?), so I gave her a very high-pitched, "Say cheeeeeese," and I got her:
Crap ... she looked away too fast ... let's try again ...
Awwww ... so cute I can't stand it!
Tomorrow, we rest!! Enjoy rolling in to your Friday, and I'll see you then! 

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