I'm willing to bet I wasn't the only one today to flip the calendar only to find something on it that I had no idea was
right there marked to do. Fortunately, that thing didn't apply to today, but it does apply to tomorrow. Yup, you guessed it -- the long run I thought was scheduled for Sunday is written down for
to-morr-owwwwww ...!
Like I didn't know it was coming ... |
It was right there written on Saturday, March 2.
9 I was not mentally prepared to see that. And, that is certainly not the 2 consecutive Rest Days I thought were on the docket! I think I had some kind of foolish pipe dream in my head that there would be enough snow melted by Sunday morning to make those 9 miles possible outside, so, at the time I realized I am to run tomorrow, I was a bit bummed. But, honestly, thinking I could pull that off outside at any time over the weekend is, indeed, totally foolish especially with the overnight temperatures freezing whatever melts anyway. And, you know what freezing means.
It took me a few hours to rearrange my mindset and come up with a tv-for-the-treadmill game plan, but I finally arrived! I'm now ready to not only take on the miles but to also give a report on the new show
Deception I've DVRed but not as yet had time to watch. I'll give the report on that, too, because tv totally trumps treadmill
(go ahead ... say it three times fast) in any awesome conversation!
My surprise today was way better than a friend of mine's, though. She just sent me a message and told me she ker-splatted on the ice today. She wasn't running, but she was carrying a load of books and didn't spill any. That's way more impressive than when I fall and don't drop Elly's leash, but that's only because it's looped on my arm.
Here's to a spill-free,
positive attitude morning! (We'll see about that.) I'll see you after with the tv-and-treadmill report!
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