Thursday, March 21, 2013

Whose Idea Was This, Anyway?

The very first time I trained for a Half Marathon, I was very apprehensive about this particular week. The miles are big for a novice like myself: 11 on Sunday, 4 on Monday, 5 on Wednesday, 3 on Thursday, 12 on Saturday. Just the weekend milage alone is 23 miles which is not a whole lot more than I used to run in a regular full week. But, I did it, and I was proud.

For every other time I've trained, this time included, I've started out at the beginning of the schedule looking forward to this week because that's one fat stack of miles, and it looks studly to complete. The idea of finishing this week feels a.w.e.s.o.m.e.! Then, I get to this week, this time included, and I'm just tired. The event is so close but so far away, and I'm here on a Thursday staring at 12 miles for the weekend. Just thinking about it makes me sleepy ...

Yes, I've finally figured out that this week is the hump to get over. It's the one where it's all gravy on the other side. (I mean, next week's long run is just a 10-miler. Just. HAHAHAHAHA when did I think I'd ever day that ?! It's true, though -- 10 feels short after this week!) It's the one on which I draw mentally at the event itself reminding myself that I can most definitely do it -- when I'm tired on Mile 9 but remember, "Oh, wait, I recently ran 12. I can totally rock this. Or pretend to." But, it's also the one where I have to really dig deep to finish seeing as there's no medal, swag or free food and drink at the end of it. (That bagel shop I use as an end point? Those aren't free!) I know I wasn't naive thinking this week would be easy. I also know it felt a whole lot better thinking about doing these miles than it feels actually putting them into my life! Yes, this is the week where I remind myself that it's not only necessary to give this week everything I have, but it's also totally worth it.

Could this have come across my Facebook on a better day?

Elly and I were loyal this morning with a quick 3. We even found a penny! And, in case you are wondering, it felt just as awesome to find that penny as it ever has; the $20 yesterday did nothing to dampen that delight!

Tomorrow, we rest! The weekend forecast is mighty iffy, so I'm preparing for both outside and inside running chances. Either way, it'll get done! 'See you on a fabulous Friday!

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