Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ups and Downs

Hey, remember how happy I was about the snow we got? The unfortunate down side to that is there is no way I can run outside tomorrow. BOO!!!! I thought by morning, enough main areas would be plowed and melted enough to create a path. No such luck.

PC#2 and I took Elly out for a short walk mostly so I could test the routes. I found myself very unexpectedly slipping which will only get worse as things refreeze overnight.
I wish you could see how much water she's kicking up onto her
belly. It was a wet walk to say the least! But, she felt awesome
with her looming shadow ... she's so tough!
Clearly, the morning run is for the treadmill. Eight miles of treadin'. That's not cool.

Here's something that was kind of cool today. We feel in deep-like with a dog up for adoption. Her name is Maggie. Check her out:
Very affectionate and so sweet. We so
hope and pray she finds a great home!!
If we were to ever get another dog, she fit almost every quality and criterion. However, her breed mix was not one we thought would be a good fit for our house. I would have strongly considered her if we had no pets. But, we do, and they come first. Besides, we have it crazy-easy with our pets -- no need to rock the boat!!

PC#2 and I talked a little bit about Maggie on our walk. She really seemed to be a sweet dog. But, let's face it -- ours is the sweetest:
"Indeed, I am the sweetest. What is this talk about another dog?
You mean the dog up there that can't even wear a bandana the
right way? Puh-leez. Now, pet me. And, give me kisses."
It was nice to learn my heart was that open to another pet, though. I hadn't really thought much about it ... but, I hadn't thought anything about a dog except "no way" before we met Elly!

So, it was an up and down day. The biggest bummer for me was learning I couldn't run outside tomorrow, though, I'm just sayin'! So, I'll report from after, and I promise to work on keeping my mood positive about it! See you then!

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