Monday, February 25, 2013

It's Elementary To Me

Seriously, is there anything more boring than running on a treadmill? I swear I tried to keep a good attitude. (I also tried to watch something cool to distract myself, and the DVR wasn't working right ... no cool, recorded tv for me! Drat!) It's just such. a. drag. on the mean machine!

Who knew I could ever totally relate to a random comic such as the following?
The only thing I can think of that might be more boring the running on a treadmill is reading about it. So, it's time to switch the topic!

I promised a little follow up about our almost-friend Maggie. Remember her?
You probably guessed that we strongly considered adopting her. She met every specification I would want if we were to ever get a second dog. As it turned out, she met every specification except for a huge one: Breed. We were told her assumed breed mix is pit bull (her mom's mix included pit bull) and beagle (and, we're not talking Snoopy). I have never wanted to own either breed for a whole host of my own reasons and was kicking myself for completely forgetting to ask her background before I had any inclination of considering her. And, even though once I found out I was pretty certain this was a no-go, I did my due diligence and researched the breeds.

Finding not only nothing to convince me this was a good idea (especially on behalf of our canine and feline family members) but also every reason to believe it was a terrible idea (reasons found on sites advocating owning these breeds!), we knew we had to put an immediate halt to our pursuit in the name of family harmony and peace for all animals involved including the newcomer.

Okay, so, check this out. Upon making this decision, we immediately wrote the organization fostering Maggie. We not only received a return message again advocating for how great she is, but that message also ended with the following statement (and I quote): "Please do not allow her 'breeds' to define her."

Um, were they kidding? Isn't understanding the breed so you are educated about their needs, dispositions and what to expect not Dog Ownership 101? There we were feeling bad about walking away but knowing we were being responsible for the pets we have only to receive a guilt trip and, what I consider, really, really bad guidance.

You already know how much I adore our dog and kitties, and I'm very passionate about protecting them and giving them the very best homes possible. It's crazy to me that someone -- anyone with supposed education and desire for advocacy -- would even suggest putting any of the four animals that would have been involved in a foreseeably bad situation. Even if there was "only" a chance. Even for a trial period. Even for one meet-and-greet. Not cool.
"Oh, I have a list of 'not cool,' mommy. Shall I start with missing
out on two running days? Or, that you're talking about some other
dog? Or, that you're not cuddling me right now?! C'mon, let's
get to cuddlin' and make up for all of this business!!"
That's a dog's world I don't care to rock at all!! ('LOVE HER!!)

Alrighty, it's not only a Rest Day tomorrow, but there is more snow on the way!! It looks like the treadmill continues in my near future ... but, so does a whole lot of snow fun! I'll see you from Rest Day tomorrow!

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