With five days until the Half, there are some important details to which I must attend. Foremost -- accessories!! Keeping in mind that my first-ever official run was a St. Pat's 5K, and you couldn't have paid me to do anything festive that actually drew attention to myself, that I accessorize for runs at all is a blast for me!! I don't do much, but what I do I enjoy!
Given it's the Rock 'n' Roll series run, I felt the urge to bling it up. It just seemed something sparkly was in order, so I've had my eyes peeled for inspiration for months. As I was watching PC#2's volleyball games this season, I noticed how many of the players had very sparkly headbands, and I thought they were awesome. However, I hardly-if-ever use a headband (fear of very-real-probability of slippage), but
I do always put my hair in a ponytail. The holders I use in my hair work great, so I didn't want to buy something new that might or might not hold my hair in place (Remember: Change nothing on race day. Nothing Nothing Nothing.). But, I'm a crafty gal and figured with a little bit of new, blingy fabric, I could fashion just what I wanted. Take a look!
There's my new fabric. I bought a quarter of a yard to make
sure I had more than enough in case I screwed up and needed
to try more than once. I was winging this and didn't even have
a complete plan when I bought it, so extra was a good call. A
quarter of a yard cost me a whole $1.75. Totally worth the extra. |
There are my original pieces. I already had the Liquid Stitch, so
I gave it a whirl instead of going with needle and thread. That's
a hair holder I've had forever and have never used, so it was the
perfect piece to put the new fabric around. See where we're going?
By the way, those scissors sucked for cutting this fabric. They
were too dull. Not annoying at all. |
I held up the fabric to see that it was quite see-through. That's
a pitcher for the Giants there on the tv through my blingy
fabric. I hope people don't buy this fabric for shirts. Or pants.
Just sayin'. |
Long story short, the glue idea didn't work at all. That's not a
commentary on the product, it just didn't work out for this.
In all likelihood, I totally messed it up or had higher expectations
of going that direction than I should have. But, it was okay. I
busted out the needle and thread. I had cut a piece of fabric wide
enough to wrap around the hair thingy, then I stitched it at
its seam and, every now and then, to the hair holder itself to
keep the outer fabric in place. As it is elastic, I put it around my
toe and pulled the hair holder outward with my left hand while
stitching with my right. It totally worked.
My feet: Not just for running! |
There's Daphne about to bolt from the scene. She was hanging
out with me and not being helpful at all. |
Ta-Da! It's finished! (Right after Daphne
fled, Lizzy came over to demonstrate how
a good kitty behaves. At the moment.)
I was rather pleased with the outcome! |
Of course, I had to try it on to make sure the fabric doesn't slip
around or anything -- seems to totally work! I'm going to wear
it tomorrow on my run just to make sure, but it better work
because I already made one for PC#2, too! (But not for Aaron
or PC#3 ... if you can believe it, they didn't want one.) |
It's the little things that make all of this fun! I will not argue with anyone who says this outcome is more Disco than Rock 'n' Roll, but that's okay because it's cool! Stay tuned for more of our race day touches! In the meantime, I'll see you after the morning run!
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