Sunday, October 7, 2012

I Say To Myself: YEAH!!!!

I was watching a recorded episode of Dr. Phil yesterday when he said the following:

"We don’t respond to what happens; we respond to what we say to ourselves about what happened."
So, with a nod to Dr. Phil, my summary statement about today's 12-miler is:
No doubt about it, that was a good run! No, it was great! A race winner? Not by any stretch. Done my way feeling strong and awesome? You Bet!
Prying myself out of bed in the first place, though, was a chore. The alarm went off at 6 a.m., but after letting Elly out for her morning business, I crawled back into bed for a few snoozes. It was cold outside making under the covers one of the best places ever. I was less than inspired to leave that comfort, but that's what I get for registering for a big run. (Who's the dummy there?)
The house was quiet with everyone sleeping as I went to leave. I passed the dark family room to go to the door when I heard a very loud (and intentional) *SIGH* from the couch. Elly was letting me know she knew I was leaving without her but that it was okay; she was curled up on the couch. She's loyal but has her preferences. Cozy couch trumps cold, early run.
I used this morning to test drive my new shorty pants on a longer run. Race day is not -- repeat not -- the day to wear something new/untested especially when you are stuck with it once you start. I mean, I know people fling jackets and gloves, but I think they leave on their pants. So, this sudden cold snap helped me prepare for whatever weather that day brings. From shorts to long pants and in between, I'm all good now because (spoiler alert) they worked out great.
The no-pocket situation posed a bit of a problem, though. I'll give up the camera for that length of run, but I have to have something in which to put the fuel. I forgot about that aspect of the shorty pants until just this morning (nice planning), but, as I was stretching (Hey!! The girl not only learns but continues ...!), I realized I still had this thingy we got from the Komen run. Honestly, I'm not even sure how to use it ... it's like a velcroed wrist band with a little pocket on it. It's only big enough for a wrist, so maybe that's all it is. I've almost thrown it away a number of times but always paused just in case. This morning was that moment, and I realized it was perfect for my Jelly Belly plan!
Weird little band thing that used to have little purpose comes
from out of nowhere to save the day!
An excellent stash keeper. If only the velcro on the pink band
wasn't so hard and hurt like a &$^# when it twists and nails
your hand. But, other than that, it'll work!
Problems solved, and I was on my way!
As soon as I shut the door, I questioned my choice of attire ... brrrr !! It was 34 degrees, I had on shorty pants and short sleeves, and I could see my breath. Big time. But, on a long run, there's plenty of time to warm up, so I took off.
Truthfully, I was invigorated in that temp!! I've always talked about how much I love the cold, and this punctuated that sentiment!! I am careful to not suck in a lot of air in the beginning so as to give my throat a chance to get used to it (otherwise, it hurts), but that's usually the only issue. This morning presented a new issue, though -- my right forearm was freezing! Not both arms, just the right one. Weird. It took very little time for it to get so cold that the dexterity in my fingers was impaired. I spent a lot of time touching each finger to my thumb just to keep them moving, but it was crazy slow! At least my legs were fine, so on I went.
Right after passing the first mile, I ran under a pole where a huge crow was perched. I didn't know it was there until I was under it which is when it let out a startlingly loud caw. I'm pretty certain it was letting me know that if I dropped at that point, it would eat me. The end of the mile treated me better, and I found the first penny of the day. Score!
The final count ... score!
I was out early enough and it was cold enough that I didn't see a lot of other people on my route. But, I did see (and snatch!) a dime in Mile 2, I saw a mama deer with her babies in Mile 5, and I could still unquestionably see my breath until I hit the end of Mile 7.
It's rounding the corner of Mile 7 on such a run where I realize the run really begins, and I have to start coaching myself. That's where I started reminding myself to just keep my pace. Too often lately, that has meant not slowing down more than I'd like which is a product of how hot it's been. Today, though, was a totally different story. I felt so good here that I needed to remind myself not to try to speed up. My pace is great for me, and I have nothing to prove beyond that, so speeding up might work, or it might work in hurting myself. I choose to just be me.
Also at Mile 7 is where I stopped being able to see my breath, full range of motion returned to my fingers, and I reminded myself I have less than a 10K to go. (There was a lot going on at that point!) At Mile 9, I not only noted to myself that I had just a 5K to go, but I also realized I felt as good right then as I do on a Monday morning post-weekend long run. In other words, that I was starting to feel the run in a more pronounced way didn't mean anything was wrong nor that I couldn't do it. I'd felt that way many times before, and I have always managed to keep on keepin' on. So, here I go again!
We got some for PC#2 at
some point. I'm paying it
forward for my parents.
Right after passing Mile 11, I passed a lovely woman walking to her car. I guess she was about 80. She was dressed to the nines and finished her look with a good, solid dousing of her favorite perfume. We both smiled and greeted each other, and that moment made me flash back to when I was a teen and used to inflict my scent of choice onto my parents. (Scent of choice at that time? Love's Baby Soft. Ohhh ... yeah ...)
It was also at this point I reminded myself I had less than a fun-run's worth of distance to go. Chunking the run into these distances was working so far, so why stop? You do what works. And, it all worked great. I finished my run almost 30 minutes more than I'd allotted in weather I love. What more could I want?!
Evidently, I could want a bagel because I planned the route to end at our favorite bagel place! Now that's thinking! While I waited for The Crew to join me, I stopped in to refill my water bottle ...
For whatever reason, the water out of that
fountain was the best. It's like it was robust.
Can water be robust? Maybe it's that it was
inspired from living next to a great neighbor.
Just sayin'.
... and, soon after, The Crew arrived!
Hello, Crewers!! They did their weekend morning run while I
did mine! They were all clean here. Me, not so much.
Ahh ... yummiest Everything bagel anywhere ever.
So very deeeeee-lish!!
Thank you, Pit Crew, for bringing me my post-run clean-up bag! I'm certain that made breakfast together far more enjoyable than sitting by the after-run funk!
That's 12 in the bank, and I am more than pleased! Here's to a chilled out rest of today, and Elly and I will see you after the morning run!

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