Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bigger Than a Breadbox

Can you guess what this is?
You totally know what this is ... we're allllllll getting them!
First, let me tell you what it is not ... it's not a new issue of Runners World which is totally what I thought it was when I saw the mailman put the contents in our box. I was all excited to go get the mail. Imagine my disappointment when I opened the mailbox.

The big ol' stack is one part mass coupons, one part political ads. Political ads. C'mon, people, getting a flyer amidst the other crap I recycle without reading is not going to get my vote. Just. Sayin'.

In an effort to not thwart the spirit of Rest Day, I snapped the pic, tossed the stack in the recycle bin and went back to work on the ol' Halloween costumes. Once again, arts and crafts is the calm in the storm.

One more week of campaigning!! We can make it through together! In the meantime, I very wise man (check out who) once said:
Thank you, Mary Engelbreit calendar.
This is an excellent sentiment!
Tomorrow's a day to run! Start your day out how you want, and I'll see you after the outing with the pooch!

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