Friday, February 3, 2012

What's In a Number

I just added up the number of miles to go until I cross the finish line at the GO! St. Louis Half Marathon: 188.1. Whew! That's not a very restful number on this Rest Day, huh?!

I did a quickie search just to see if "188" held a significant meaning that I'm not yet aware. The short answer is: Not really. Not in the world of internet searches. But, it's amazing how that number means a whole lot to me as I sit right here today. That's a lot of shoe-tying, friends! And, a lot of being smelly. Hopefully, it translates into a lot of pennies! It's a lot of time, and it's a lot of early weekend mornings. And, it's awesome.

I will never forget Pit Crew #2's face the first time she went from one end of the monkey bars to the other, and I will never forget Pit Crew #3 when he got on a two-wheeler, took off and exclaimed in both pride and awe, "Hey!!!" Crossing the finish line of every official run makes me feel the way they looked and sounded after their victories, and that makes the work worth it!
"Hey, kitties, want to join my pursuit of knocking out the
triple-digit miles?"

"Gosh, we would, but that would really cut into our nap
and grooming times."
On with the day while I let 188.1 roll around in my head for a little bit ... both in "How awesome!" and "Holy moly!" ways! See you tomorrow on Bonus Rest Day!

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