Saturday, February 18, 2012


Part of what has been weighing on my mind lately was the high need for a new car. One of ours was finally driven to the brink, and getting another wasn't a desire, it was a need. Ugh!! Fortunately, we had a great experience in finding another one, and finalizing the process today make this Rest Day successful on the side of rest. Wahoo!!

As we were going through the process yesterday, there were things that worked well with my insistence on Rest: checking out head rests (crazy how some are not restful at all); pulling off at rest stops to use the rest room ... But, most fabulous of all for fun on a Rest Day was stumbling upon this:
Flashback to my childhood!! Yeah!!!
DO YOU REMEMBER THESE?!?! (or is that just me?) I loved these!! Remember the inside?
How does the magic pen do that?
I not only bought one for both young Pit Crewers so they'd have something to do while we dealt with car buying junk, but I also bought one for myself!! FUN!! (Oh, and check this out ... between the four of us, we easily found 25 pennies in the car lot if not more! We were totally meant to buy a car there.)

It really is the simple things that bring me and my family the greatest joy. I think that's one of the really appealing things about running. It's simple. Put on your shoes and go. The end. It doesn't have to be any more difficult than that. And, you know, I tend not to make much more of it than that!

Speaking of, I've mapped my run for tomorrow morning and am ready to hit it! I won't be so cheery about it early in the morning (I mean, please, it's morning), but once I get going, it'll be fabulous. In the meantime, how restful does our bunny Roger look?:
"I'm gonna get you with my martial arts skills."
With that, I'll see you after the morning run!

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