Thursday, February 16, 2012

No Longer Optional

Okay, seriously, my life as I usually know it is overflowing with extra details that need tending. I'm not out of the ordinary, and we all have waves of life that plow through our normal routines. I bring it up only to note that all I could think when I started out on the run today was how thankful I am that it is now such a normal part of my routine that I don't give up on it when I probably need it the most. It used to be the first thing to let go; now, it's just not an option.

The cool part is it takes very little time for the rest of the world to disappear for a little bit while I'm out there, and I do such things as giggle at Elly when she looks like this:
The last time we saw her looking like that, she was all bent out of shape over a dog that was barking at her. Never mind the dog was behind its own fence, but whatever. This time, we'd just passed by a cat hunkered down in a driveway. It was there just minding its own business (and probably thinking, "Come close enough, and I'll lay you out."). Elly was all a-buzz about this cat, but we finally got out of site and, therefore, it went out of mind. See? She calmed down. Mostly.:
See how her tail is so much bigger by her rump? Aaron says that's
her waggy muscle that has gotten such a great work out. I think
he's right because it wasn't like that when we first adopted her!
I don't often get to run with Elly on a Thursday, but I changed my routine just enough to accommodate her because I really wanted to hang with her! She's a great pal even if she's oh-so-annoying with her yard investigations. *sigh* But, while she was stopped, I found another BB, so everyone wins!

We finished up and hung outside for some extra lovin' time because it just wasn't that cold (didn't it just snow four days ago?):
When we were ready to go in, I discovered I'd hooked my glove onto her tags:
That took more time to undo than you would think, but if that's the only thing that hangs me up today, I'm good to go!

We're to the point in the Half training where, some times, there are two Rest Days scheduled in a row, and tomorrow is the start of one of those pairings! (It's not that exciting because that also means there are a handful of days where a short run is scheduled right after a long one ... yuck! Or, better said: Ouch!) With that, I'll see you on Rest Day tomorrow!

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