Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday Night IS Alright!

Boy, did I pick a good day for my mini-break vacation day as it rained -- or drizzled -- ALL day!! I've only been caught running in the rain once, and I prefer to keep the count at one. Anyway, it was a perfect hunker-down kind of day!

It was also a perfect make-something-cool-in-the-kitchen day, so the Pit Crewers and I headed to the store! Our original plan was to get something fun for the Super Bowl tomorrow (not that we pay attention to it, but having it on is fun). But, I have to admit that with one-likely-two half marathons coming up, I really struggled to figure out how to put "fun" and "won't stop your heart" together! Don't get me wrong, we did buy (what has become our Super Bowl tradition) a bag of Doritos (mmm ... Doritos ...). Those will wait 'til game time tomorrow. Our intended Super Bowl meal, though, didn't wait, and we made it tonight! Check out our culinary skills:
My latest edition of Runner's World magazine had different healthy
pizza ideas, and ever since reading them, I've had the crave. I'm not
a pizza fan in the universal sense, but I do like ones that are a little
more off-beat. (Off-beat to Aaron at least ...!) So, we picked up
some crusts and toppings. I've never tried these, so here we go!
In the very first Runner's World I ever picked up (August 2010),
it is this paragraph that inspired me to not only buy the copy but to
also subscribe to the magazine. Yes, it was a recipe for pesto that
did it. I'd been introducted to pesto the summer before. I loved it.
Then I found out what was in it! MAN! But, this recipe sans oil
was inspiring to me (that's DiSpirito as in Rocco who's a tri-
athelete. Who knew? Runner's World did ... back to the pizza!).
And, here's that recipe all ready to go as the base of my pizza!!!
(Made with my home-grown basil that I've frozen ... fancy!!)
But, not without a little snacking on it first ... this pesto on multi-
grain Wheat Thins ... can - not - beat - it!!
I spent some time in the kitchen for the toppings
bar, and it was worth every minute! From top
then left-to-right, let's hopscotch through: teriyaki
chicken (oh, yeah, I did that!); sauce (equal parts
tomato sauce and paste with oregano and lots of
garlic); artichoke hearts; black olives; pineapple bits;
turkey bacon; baby spinach; lentils; the pesto, and
turkey sausage. Whew! 
The Crewers making their creations!
Theirs. (Pit Crew #3 put a piece of spinach in the middle of his
noting it was "very Food Network" to do so!
Mine, and I have to share: pesto base; lentils; chicken; just a bit of bacon;
lots of spinach; a pinch of mozzarella and three torn up string cheeses.
This is the string cheese I used. I've never
even seen them 'til today! I love smoked cheese,
so I had to try. Totally smokey and yummy!!
Can you smell it? Smells like a pizzaria around here!! The Crewers
were pacing by this point. Literally. (Hey, can that count in PC3's
mile count for his challenge? He sure racked it up waiting!)
Mine: HOLY WOW that was FABULOUS!! Every bite was super
delicious! AND, all of us have half of our pizzas left for tomorrow!
"So, no run today and no sharing?! What is
going on around here, mommy?!?!?"
I'm still stunned at how great these pizzas turned out and keeping with some good fuel to run!! I'm so seriously stoked because we all can have fun with it and make it what we want or need!! So, thank you Subway for turning me on to the delight of baby spinach and putting it all over everything, thank you Runner's World for the pizza inspiration, and thank you Pit Crew for such fun making it together!

One more Rest Day!! I'm going to enjoy and I wish the same for you! Might I recommend some pizza for your Super Bowl viewing?! Enjoy whatever you do!

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