Thursday, January 19, 2012

Running Day: Take 2

Sometimes, you have a plan, and then something gets in its way. It happens all the time to every one of us! So, given things got in my way to run in the morning, I took care of it last night! That meant two runs in the same day which, at my current daily mileage, is totally doable. But, I thought Elly's head might combust from excitement!
Not knowing what was to come, Elly was
staring at her food bowl waiting for the daily
magic to happen when ...
She broke her gaze when she heard, "Hey,
Elly ... want to go for a run?"
And, she turned. "I'm listening ..." she seems to say. "And, I'm
wagging. Check it out. whipwhipwhipwhip ..."
"I've now noticed your shoes. THE shoes. I KNOW those SHOES!
Could it really be?! Don't tease me and leave without me!!"
"I'm now completely overcome! You can't even keep up with me
because I'm moving so fast with pure joy! Are you this happy
about what's about to happen?!" (Me to Elly's inquiry: "No.")
"I could not care less that you can tie your shoes with me in the way,
I'm just so happy!!"
"I'm off because I have GOT to spread the great news!!
I'm going on another run!!!"
"I'm back! I'M HERE! I forgot my leash! Let's go Let's go Let's
There was nothing particularly special about our outing ... except for how unbelievably happy it made Elly! That, in and of itself, made for a great run. Oh, and I now have two days in a row to chill before the next run on Saturday. Yeah!!

In the meantime, we made the Hungry Girl Sweet 'n Sticky Sesame Chicken (click for recipe) for dinner last night:
On top of a mix of brown rice and leftover-using-up-the-last-of
white rice and along side Hungry Girl's Crab Rangoonies (mmm)
and yummy, yummy orange! An excellent dinner combo!
It was good but not a show stopper. It was a wee bit too sweet for us (which can be changed), and we think the sauce needed a bit of ginger. I will say, though, that I think it needs to be given another chance or two (with said changes) because it is a shock to the system to have something like this and compare it to the deep fried version of the usual Chinese variety. It's not really reasonable to compare the two, and how can you not do so upon first bite? So, I'm definitely going to try it again because the overall flavor of it really did mimic what I like in Sesame Chicken.

Just like finding money on my runs can't happen every time (um, but I'd like it to start again! Pit Crew #3 has noticed that my miles have now passed the cents found, and he thought it was more cool the other way around!), not every try in the kitchen is a home run. So, I'll keep trying and reporting! And, I'll keep running in the meantime! But, not today. Or tomorrow!! Rest Day x 2!! A welcomed surprise! I hope for a great surprise for you today! Or, at least some rest!!

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