Monday, January 30, 2012

Manic Monday

Wow, what a Monday.

When I'm out running, I am a big believer in keeping my distance -- from cars, from pedestrians, from other runners, from dogs especially when I have Elly. My favorite soccer coach taught us, "Create space!" It was a great method for success on the field and a smart one out and about.

Unfortunately today, the space was invaded. Two leashed dogs were too interested in Elly and took after her. Their owner was pulled down (literally over a curb and into the street). In an instant, the run went from a delightful not-anything-important-on-my-mind outing to holy-crap-there's-a-blur-of-dogs-near-me. I managed to pull Elly ahead of me and out of doggie reach, which was good for sure; not only were there two dogs, but they also each had 40 pounds on Elly. Everyone separated, I asked for the help of a stranger in a passing car to assist the dog walker as she really wanted me and Elly away so the dogs did not further antagonize each other. Distancing myself was extremely difficult as I just wanted to help her, but that was impossible given the canine issues. I saw the dog owner again when I looped around, and she indicated she was fine and that she was sorry. I was relieved to see her, but the whole situation felt horrible.

On most runs, I spend time being thankful for a number of things: being healthy enough to run; having the motivation to go whether I want to or not; finding money; it being a Rest Day tomorrow. Today, in addition to the kindness of a passing stranger, I'm thankful for this sweet face:
"No harm, no foul, mommy ..."
"How about a kiss to feel better?!"
We'll take the rest tomorrow and get back out there Wednesday. May your day tomorrow be without life's surprises!!

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