Saturday, January 28, 2012

Plan B

Last night, we looked outside and saw this:
Really? Where have you been all Winter?!
It's not that it's not Winter and it shouldn't be expected ... but given this (fake) Winter, I didn't expect it! I was glad for the warning, though, so I could mentally prepare for this morning's run on the -- you guessed it -- Mean Machine!
Those shoes + that ice = Dumb Idea.
(But, so pretty!)
*Fortunately* I had enough on the DVR that actually kept my attention and my eyes from wandering to the mileage count. The household downside of my using the treadmill was keeping Pit Crew #3 away from his new video game as it's hooked to the oh-so-very-necessary-to-have-while-treadmilling tv! He entertained himself by taking pictures:
When I was finished with the run, he and I had the following conversation:
PC3: You know the down side of using the treadmill?
Me: Which one?
PC3: (ignorning my snide remark) You don't find any money!
Me: I know!
PC3: So I think that run shouldn't count. (As in I shouldn't have had to do it.)
Me: Oh ... it counts!

Oh, and I just realized I am actually going to hit 50 miles this month on Monday!! It was an easy month, too, so I am super excited! Small potatoes to the elite athletes of the land, I know, but I think I've mentioned more than once that my goal is to Just. Go. I enjoy being of Olympic calliber in my own mind. So, yay for me!

May you be pleasantly surprised at an accomplishment you already knew was good but that you now know is pretty great! It's there for sure, so find it and celebrate it! See you tomorrow on Rest Day post-Pit Crew #2 Family Tea Party which will feature another Hungry Girl recipe we're trying! It's dessert time!

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