Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Well, Blow Me Down. Or, At Least, Sideways.

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 913.2 (running: 730.7; walking: 37.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $95.51

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 913.2 Aaron: 621 (b: 550.6; w: 70.4)  Elly: 246.2 Total: 1780.4

It was back at it today, and it was good to be back outside! It was also good to have had a wee stretch off these last three days because I think the rest is what gave me the strength the run straight into the wind for two and a half miles! gulp! Before heading out, I heard there were 30-mph gusts going on; I totally believed it especially when I worked to push through them! And, it was hard!!! Waaaaaaaaaa! I persevered, though. Because, really, what was the choice?

Well, as with everything in life, there's always a choice. (I was even told that when in labor with Pit Crew #2 and we found out she was not only breech but in such a position where her life and mine would be in serious question had I opted to not have a C-section. I said to the nurse, "Oh. I just figured I didn't have a choice," and she immediately hopped on the, "The patient always has a choice!" train. *sigh* Which is when Aaron and I looked at each other and were like, yes, but not all choices are good ones ...)

ANY.WAY. The choice people seemed to not want to make during the last two days on my normal route was to stoop down and pick up money they dropped. I found more than $2 including this:
That's a half dollar, baby!! YAHOO!!
Oh, and I told you it was windy. Nice
hair. And, my bangs are too long.
They're buggin'. Just sayin'.
My theory is that, since it's been raining, people just wanted to get out of it rather than get retrieve their cash. Fine by me; the Food Bank will do good things with that!
The up-and-down side of taking my wee break and returning in such a wind that I got an extra workout is that my legs are tired. They're that we-feel-alive-but-are-also-tired feeling which only tells me three days off is somewhat excessive. I'm not sorry for it, it was just a day too long in general.

In other news, OHMYGOSH I just found a facebook page exclusively for virtual running called "I Love Race Medals"!! It's like reading my mind!! And, see? It's not just meeeeee ...!

I'm going to have to check that out, but, right now, it's time to sink into the evening. Ahhhh ... And, tomorrow? It's again time to RUN. I'll see you after!

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