Friday, November 27, 2015

Turkey Trax Recap

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 935.4 (running: 751.4; walking: 39.2; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $.34

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 935.4 Aaron: 673.6 (b: 598.6; w: 75)  Elly: 250.8 Total: 1841.8

Happy day after Thanksgiving!! Is everyone moving around even if slowly? Today should actually be called Digestion Day, I'm just sayin'. I hope your celebration was exactly what you wanted and with whom you wanted it! It's that last part that can be tricky, amiright? HA! It's not tricky around here, though, because long, long ago, Aaron and I put the kaibosh on company on the actual holiday day so as to have an opportunity to make it as easy and stress-free as possible. Locking it down to our family walls on the actual day has proven mighty successful for us and has certainly led to some very fun traditions including Turkey Trax!! Here's how it went down yesterday!
The first bit of good news for the race -- for me -- was discovering Friday night that the race didn't start until 8:30 a.m.!! EIGHT. THIRTY. That was music to my ears when I'm out and about before that on most days and certainly on most race days. THAT RULED.
The second bit of great news -- for all of us -- was that we got up to no rain. It was certainly in the forecast for exactly the time the race was going on, but we lucked out completely! In fact, it was somewhere in the 50s which is usually nice, but we were a bit overdressed for the temperature. In particular, our headwear was not terribly comfortable in the 50s, but there was no way we weren't wearing them!
Just two dudes. Hanging out on a corner. Talking dude stuff.
I do love looking around and races to spy those who put an extra touch to themselves to get in some kind of race spirit! There weren't a ton of people sprucing it up for Thanksgiving, but there were a couple of fun ones including a smattering of tutus ...

... fun socks ...
... and, of course, more hats!
LOVE the shoes on the bird!
The color of this one totally caught my eye well before I realized that underneath the hat ...
... was a friend of mine!
And, let's congratulate retrospectively
congratulate her on her very first 5K!!
And, for whatever reason, these were in the crowd, too:
By the way, do you remember this girl from last year?
Jammin' down the street in the pumpkin
pie hat like Aaron's! 2014
She was here again!
We were keeping absolutely no track of time and just followed what the crowd seemed to be doing. At some point, that meant we started running!
Not bad for completely blindly snapping
over my shoulder. At least I got my own
family in it!
I had to admire this clearly dedicated dad en route:
Aaron would totally do that if I ever thought about it! I always seem to focus on the hats, though, and never consider the tail aspect. You would think I would actually focus on the running at some point!
The 50+ degrees bit us a few times as it was just hot with not much to be done about it. But, like I mentioned, that was way better than having it rain!

Those three miles really just blew by, and, before we really knew it, we were high-fiving that panda on our way to the finish:
It's not cool to begin and end a race up hill.
The four of us haven't run together since late Summer, so it was fun to join together again and do so!
A congratulations also goes to this adoption hopeful who ran the course ...
... but, not so much to this trio who just kind of hung out and kept themselves busy looking scared of everything.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, here's one of the age division prizes:
I've never really seen one up close and personal. I admit it was a little weird to have the shirtless teenage boy wandering around with it, but I still had to take a picture of the loot. It's a medal, an age division pie prize and what I believe is an overall placement pie prize in the box.

How many people think his mom was all, "Oh, crap! I need dessert for Thursday. Get out there and run, son!"

And, there you have it, this year's installment of Turkey Trax! It was a great way to start our day especially when all of us got to Wednesday with the same thought: "Wow. So, you say, tomorrow is Thanksgiving ..."

Have a great rest of your Friday, and I'll be checking in tomorrow ...!

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