Monday, November 9, 2015


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 895.1 (running: 707.4; walking: 37.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $88.78

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 895.1 Aaron: 586.3 (b: 520.6; w: 65.7)  Elly: 241.6 Total: 1718.8
Hello! Hello!! Welcome to MONDAY!!

Okay, recently, my morning schedule made an abrupt shift before I'd even gotten used to what I had been doing. Then, as of this morning, it shifted again, and I'm pretty sure it's going to take a very long time to get used to it. So, I'm sayin' ...
But, whatever, I'll make it work. I have to, I want to, and that's just how it's going to be!

It's a funny thing, though, that during these weird schedules, I have very little problem getting out and running. It's the working later thing I tend to wrestle with hahahaha. But, with some tweaks there and some alterations there and a whole lotta forgiveness over the fact that I can't pull all of this off without it looking like a fender bender (as opposed to a train wreck; I do have some things under control!), it all works out. So, it won't be a surprise that I did, indeed, start this earlier-than-expected day off with a little morning run!

It was 31 degrees heading out, and I forgot my gloves. That need not happen again because my fingers were c.o.l.d. Muh-bad. I was good to go without layers, though, thanks to the fact that there was no wind. It was the perfect day to take the dog, too. She needed some get-out-and-go, too, because she did this pretty much all weekend:
There she is last night hogging my Peanuts blanket that Pit
Crew #2 and I wanted to use. And, I fully admit, I didn't make
her give it up. I know; I'm a total sap for her.
The earlier time to head out is a huge bonus in that there is less traffic. I love it that way. I love the peace. The rest of the day is full of hustle and bustle, and it should be. I savor that time when it's just a little quieter. It's a nice way to wake up.

So, there we were, trotting along, when I looked down and thought I spied with my little eye a quarter. It turned out to be a spoon.
And, then there was this other time that I looked down and thought I spied with my little eye a 5 dollar bill. And, I did.
According to the most recent calculation by the Food Bank, that find alone will provide 75 pounds of food, or 55 meals, to those in need. YAHOO!! I've had the idea (hope?) of finding $90 by donation time for a few weeks, but I wasn't sure it was in reach. With this find, there's just no question. THAT'S HUGE!

Also along the route today, I still pondered my individual year-end goals and am working on accepting (is that really the right word when I'm not actually bothered by it?) that it is highly unlikely I hit my running mileage goal. However, my year-end total movement goal of 1,000 miles is absolutely on target. I blame whatever bad weather was happening that forced me on the bike instead of on the streets. Those miles seem to be what killed the running goal.

But, here's the other side of the coin and the real reason it's not bothering me: I can look back at this entire year and understand what I was doing instead of focusing on running. There has been some really big stuff that has needed my attention and focus; I have not had the time to pay laser-like attention on this number. And, the payoff of putting my attention on the things that needed it comes with an immeasurable payoff as compared to what tallying up the additional miles would have. I think the original goal was totally worthy, and I plan to make another January 1. I also know all of the actions leading up to meeting it or not were worthier especially because I made all of those decisions on purpose.

I also think giving myself a break on the goal as well as credit for why it's looking like it's not going to happen is golden. This concept is totally new for me.

I think indulging my best pooch in a run with me is a totally worthy use of my time as well:
Even if she won't let me have my own blanket.

It's all how you look at things, isn't it? There's nothing to gain in justifying why things are the way they are if the justification is done in an effort to simply make yourself feel better. But, there is everything to gain when you see everything for what it is, take very real notice, and understand the process and the outcome. Yes, that can sometimes be uncomfortable or even hurt a little bit. But, it will also help you see things for what they are along the way and bring peace to the present. That's what living on purpose will do.

Tomorrow: Time to run.

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