Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Perfect Theme For the Month

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 881.7 (running: 694; walking: 37.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $81.86
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 881.7 Aaron: 586.3 (b: 520.6; w: 65.7)  Elly: 232.4 Total: 1700.4
For about the last week, too much has felt out of my control. And, I don't mean that like I'm a control freak who wants everything to go my way and exactly the way I envision (although, doesn't that sound kind of nice sometimes?). I mean there have been bigger life variables that have hit from different angles, and it hasn't felt like I can do much about them.

Or, can I ...

And, that's just it. In most situations -- certainly not all -- there is actually something I can do when that curve ball is thrown. Or, in this case, a few balls at a time. It just took me most of my life to figure out just how much strength I actually have to do something about things that throw me. And, in more recent years, while I figured out just how strong I am, I still either stewed in emotion or held myself back in some kind of fear for entirely too long.

But, not this time.

I have spent about a week mulling over option after option after option after angle after consideration ... you get the point. That time has actually been well spent as I've prayed, used fear to find solutions and worked hard to dig even deeper and see what I'm made of. And, by this morning, I had had enough of mulling and pondering and even planning. I just wanted to shake it all out, and get back to my own basics.

I started the day off with a run. It was a new route on familiar roads, and, if that shake-up wasn't enough, I planned my start and end without knowing the in between, namely, how far I was even going. (I know ... soooo very willy-nilly of me ...). God and I had a fantastic sidewalk chat, which is when I really had some pieces fall into place and get me grounded, while the sites around me were a vision:
So, these are still going strong in some places ...
... while this is happening in many store windows!!
The only thing I cared about for this morning's run was that it was more than 3 miles. That I did want; beyond that, bonus. I realize I should have mapped it out if I actually cared, but I had other things to work on! It turned out to be a 4.6-mile route adorned with $1.43 in change. I seriously cannot believe how much money is in the Food Bank stash!! There's almost $82 and three more weeks to add to it!

This run was refreshing not because of the run itself but for the time I was afforded to get my thoughts together or out or up or whatever I did with them; it was just a great use of that block of time! Running has been a gift in so many ways.

Another little blessing of the day: That I didn't drop my keys in this toilet ...
... when I took a little pit stop! It was close, but it didn't happen!

Life ebbs and flows, and I get there's nothing I can do about that. But, there is a lot I can do when it actually happens! In fact, it's out of those times that I get to see where I'm at: what's in there that I can do something with; what needs to be released, and what needs to be renewed. And, while no one told me this is how things could go in my upper 40s, I'm so thankful for the capacity and desire to continue to grow!

I'm also thankful I'm not alone. Of course, any shift I make is linked directly to Aaron. And, with another girlfriend going through her own kind of transformation, we recently discussed the joy of being able to link arms and go through it together.

I have nothing to complain about. Except for the fact that I wore the wrong shoes to run today, and now my legs hurt. But, that's from being a doofus, not from anything being done to me.

Today's run reminded me in so many ways the countless reasons I have to be thankful. That's a nice way to kick off the first week of November ...

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