Saturday, November 28, 2015

Double Dose

Yesterday’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 938.5 (running: 758.4; walking: 39.2; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $.34
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 938.5 Aaron: 673.6 (b: 598.6; w: 75)  Elly: 250.8 Total: 1844.9

I recently learned there's actually something scientific about how you can be laughing hysterically one minute only to turn on a dime and start crying. The bottom line of what I learned is that your body actually needs to rebalance itself as it can't handle the extreme for terribly long. Hence, tears following laughter and vice versa.

I get that kind of dichotomy in many areas of my life. Yesterday was a prime example. Or, should I say, examples.
  • We spent a wonderful afternoon with my Dad playing Bingo which, of late, entails my heart fighting with itself as we have a great time together but the toll of his disease is starting to exhibit itself more. I both recognize and ignore this reality so as to be in the moment; I just admit it leaves me tired when we part for the day.
  • That visit was followed by a trip to the mall. Pit Crew #2 was on the hunt for a few things. I adore PC#2 through and through. But, I really hate shopping. My love for her always trumps my personal desire to run as far away as humanly possible from the clothes section of any store.
  • Punctuate that with the fact that it was Black Friday, and I forgot about that very fact until we drove up to the mall. I wanted to politely ask for the car to be paused while I got out and trekked home. Of course, that didn't happen. Accidental Black Friday participation did. I love my daughter; I really hate the mall on Black Friday.
  • I also hate Black Friday and what it brings out in people. It brings out too much ugly. But, I love Christmas. I hate the two are associated. Can't we do Black Friday in the middle of June or something? 
Anyway, my afternoon was full of dichotomies, and, long before PC#2 was finished browsing one of her targeted clothes sections, I was more than antsy. PC#3 asked me to join him at another store down the mall simply because I 'looked like I needed to go somewhere else.' By the time we left the mall, I knew I was going for a run.

It had been raining all. day. long. Seriously, it was non-stop. And, I knew I just wasn't going to care. As we were heading to the doors of the mall to leave, I told Aaron I was going for a run unless there was a downpour. As we drove home in the drizzle, Aaron said, "Now, you're not really running in this, are you?" to which I said, "Now, that's not really a question, is it?" I absolutely had to go. And, PC#2 was coming with me.

We missed our morning run because of the rain, so I was truly thankful for this opportunity so as to stay true to our 5K-to-Couch mission. I put on my brightest, day-glo shirt in the hopes of cars seeing me, whipped on my It's Raining Out There hat, and we took off. In fact, we took off like a shot. I couldn't decide if it was the fact that it was evening and I didn't need to warm up as much as in the morning or if I just had that much pent up inside that had to burn off. Either way, we were off and a serious pace.

I knew I was all wound up inside because my breathing was super high in my chest, and I couldn't drop it. No amount of trying to take deep breaths was working, so I used this as an excuse to walk up one hill. Perhaps it was the admitting it part that helped me because almost immediately after, with just another mile to go, I felt just fine.

I was so glad to be with my girl. Just being.
And, then ...

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 942.7 (running: 758.4; walking: 39.2; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $.85
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 942.7 Aaron: 692.1 (b: 617.1; w: 75)  Elly: 250.8 Total: 1867.6*

*Average monthly miles required to meet year-end goal: Complete!

I was glad to get in a run yesterday at any point given it we woke up to rain and our 5K-to-Couch thing. But, the late run and an earlier one today was, well ... painful. At least for the first mile, the ol' legs hurt. I made the mistake of asking PC#2 if she felt last night's run. She said she didn't, so I pondered how our decades of age span just came through loud and clear. It was a great outing together, though, made even better when we ran into one of our favorite people:
There's my friend Juli!! YAHOO!!
You know your good friends when you'll stop long enough to huddle together for a stinky running selfie!! We exchanged hellos and hugs and Juli paused long enough to thank and gush at PC#2 for the recent manicure. And, no, no one asked the other how the run was going because who really cares when you have hugs and compliments to dole out?

The rest of the run was most excellent. The feeling-last-night's-run was worked out by the time I hit the end of the first mile, and the rest was on something of cruise control. I did diverge just slightly before we wrapped things up so as to pass through an open drive-thru. I don't tend to use such routes when the stores are open because - duh - they're open and I'd care to not get hit by a car. But, not only were there no cars in sight, but the Food Bank stash has been slow to grow in the last few days. While that's to be expected, it's not to be liked, so I upped the odds and scored.

Aaron very kindly was waiting for us at our normal finish spot, and we were ready to head into the day. I mentioned to Aaron that I was looking forward to the extra sleep tomorrow morning when PC#2 chimed in with, "Oh ... we're not running tomorrow?" Evidently, she missed the part about the 5K-to-Couch lasting 4 days, not 5. And, now, I'm torn about what we're doing in the morning. I mean, I know I could use the rest, but I also like the idea of rounding this whole thing out. It's a decision I simply cannot make right now, so I'm leaving it to play by ear in the morning!

I'll check in with the outcome! I hope your Thanksgiving weekend is winding down in its own, perfect way! Until tomorrow ...

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