Saturday, November 21, 2015

Pretty Perfect

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 922 (running: 739.5; walking: 37.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $96.67

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 922 Aaron: 639 (b: 568.6; w: 70.4)  Elly: 246.2 Total: 1789.2

I woke up this morning, looked out the window and literally gasped. IT WAS SNOWING!!!

Aaron came in about a half hour later and said, "I assume you're not running," to which I responded, "You assumed wrong!" Running in the snow? Hell-to-the-yeahhhh!!! It was sort of sticking but not enough to be any kind of problem. At all! I was totally going, and Pit Crew #2 was about to be awakened to join me!

She says I 'football tackled' her to wake her up. I disagree.

Within 30 minutes of her startling rise into the day, we headed out!!
It was very windy, the kind of wind that actually hurts a little bit when it hits you just right. It was cool, though, because it blew big snowflakes in my eyes and mouth. It was really fun!

I like the first few snowfalls because they elicit such response from everyone. Like, I got texts from local friends reporting on not only their snow enthusiasm but also what they were doing with it (one was also running and the other baking ... I'm thinking we should have run to her house ...). Of course, I had to send a message to long-distance, virtual running partner extraordinaire Mary Kate to show off today's setting. And, then there's the Facebook feed blowing up with both ends of the spectrum with regard to feelings about snow. Feelings. Such strong feelings ...

I'm just saying I love it. And, I love being out in it whenever possible because it's so hit or miss for us. I wasn't a huge fan of the wind straight from the North biting our faces when heading that direction, but I can't complain when it simply came with the territory.

And, what lovely territory it was:
Here's the fave:
I saw this tree being decorated last weekend. I call that Perfect Timing!!

There were, of course, imperfect moments (aside from the wind) on this route, too. For instance, there was this time I stepped right into a puddle and soaked my foot. We hadn't even yet hit the second mile. That wasn't the worst part; that was when PC#2 totally laughed. She claims it was because my reaction to the unfortunate incident was hilarious. Hmmm ... Well, all I can say is I don't have the same 'your reaction was so funny' excuse for when I laughed at her for being blown over when she was crouched down to tie her shoe.

Now that I think about it, though, those were probably the most perfect moments of it all. Who really cares about the run when you can laugh together?!

Tomorrow is slated for Rest, and I'm pretty excited about it. Keep enjoying your weekend no matter what you're doing with it, and I'll be checking in ...

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