Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 323.8 (running: 216.4; walking: 13.6; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $31.22

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 323.8 Aaron: 261.3 (b: 242; w: 19.3)  Elly: 64.1 Total: 649.2

Last night, I was reflecting quite a bit on how far things have progressed in my running game, not so much about anything physical as much as mental. This came about given the forecast for this week which is a wet one. A very wet one. As of last night, I had two more training runs to get in before race day. But, with the forecast, I felt very blasé in thinking, "Eh, as long as I get in one, I'm good."

What?! Who was that?!

When the pursuit of running a Half Marathon began almost five years ago, I would not have dreamed of cutting a single run by even a tenth of a mile much less cut out an entire run. Unheard of!! To be honest, the thought of not following my training schedule to a perfect T scared the bajeebers out of me the first few times I used it. I was totally fearful that not doing everything exactly perfect would translate into race day disaster.

I was a lot more wound up then. Just in general.

I know my more relaxed outlook has a lot to do with logging a lot of experience and miles under my feet. I'm saying I'm thankful for the wisdom that came with what I did with that time.

I'm also thankful that the weekend forecast is perfect even though the rest of the week is, well, very wet. This morning presented a lovely thunderstorm complete with the kind of lightening that pops like a flash bulb and absolutely scares the crap out of me from within the safety of my own home. But, the word was that things would clear, or at least lighten up, later in the morning.

My patience paid off for both me and Elly as we headed out in a light drizzle. It actually felt pretty good, but wow-ee, I knew I was going to be bringing home a very, wet hound.

And so I did. It worked for her, though, because she not only got to run, but she also received a post-run rub down!
And, of course, she got her smooches for being so fantastic:
I do so love that dog.

The first of these three miles hurt if you want to know the truth. I can still feel the run from Saturday which makes sense because I'm pretty sure I took it on at race pace. Almost the very moment I crossed the first mile, though, everything shook out. I don't get how that happens, almost on cue, but it always does. It's one of those things you learn about your body that keeps you going during that first mile or two because if you don't learn it, you will stop before ever knowing how far you can actually go.

I often wonder if the same thing happens to Elly. I know she feels it if she runs in the morning then goes for a walk that same day. I can see it in her gait when we first start out. I also know I can't run her multiple days in a row. But, I do wonder if she has that first-mile cranky muscle thing? (And, does that mile feel like seven miles to her? hahahaha I know, that's age. Oh, wait! Maybe a mile feels like half a mile to her because she has twice as many feet ...)

I'm officially overthinking it. No matter what she feels, I'm so thankful for her:
There's one more run to go this week, and it looks like luck might be on my side for the morning before we get a gully washer or more! I'll check in with the outcome. Take care this Tuesday, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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