Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Read the Sign

Look what I just saw!!
It's been a very full, very fun day that is being capped off with my sitting here near the stairs to make sure I can hear the dryer and that it's still going. Yeah, it's old ...

Crap, I think it just stopped ... pause, please ... Hey! We're still in business! *whew!*

Okay, cutting to the chase, here's the moral of today's story: Everyone would be a lot happier if each one of us just owned exactly who we are and where we are at in any given moment. Then, embrace that.

That sentiment came out of a great talk I had with my friend Cindy over lunch today. We were talking about a whole host of topics that worked out to tie into the above sentiment. It's certainly widely applicable: If you're in a bad mood, own it and warn those around you. That way, no one misinterprets what's happening. If you need help, own it and ask for it; don't hide from it. You get the point.

Cindy thought it would be even better if everyone was required to wear a descriptive sign. Picture it: You get to approach people knowing exactly what you're getting if you engage. Think about it -- You could make choices about the company you keep ahead of time with no surprises! It would be like a smorgasbord of educated decisions: "I'll hang with you today, Overwhelmed and Anxious, but I need to pass on you today, Snarky and Mean, because I'm Tired and Vulnerable today, so we're not a good match." See? Everyone wins!

Even if we can't put it all out there all the time so others can be warned understand where we're at, I'm convinced the world would be a much calmer, more peaceful place if we could at least honestly admit and embrace who we are to ourselves. It's so much more peaceful to own your place in life and do the best you can with it no matter what anyone says or thinks. No one else should have the power of a vote as to your value or the worthiness of your efforts; that should come from within.

This is very much why I consider myself a total rock star runner when, let's face it, I'm not standing on any podiums! My effort is more than good enough for me. No one else gets to decide.

Love who you are, what you do and what you have to offer. Period. I'll be checking in somewhere in the mix of tomorrow's Rest Day! See you then ...

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