Monday, April 13, 2015

My Crew

I felt every step of Sunday's (wait ... that was just yesterday?!) Half Marathon when I woke up this morning. My legs were all what the hell did you do to us? And, I was all just shut up because we're about to get back at it. And, they were all, Oh, uh-uh!! And, they promptly did some weird thing that made me hobble a bit.

And, such is the post-run morning!

But, enough about that as we continue to go back in time and celebrate the running of the Crew!! I do love that they've taken to these kinds of events enough to want to also do them and do them with their own goals in mind! Ready? Here they go!!!

Saturday morning was chilly. Actually, it was great running weather, but it was terrible stand-around weather for those who easily get cold. The boys seemed to try and hide it, but Pit Crew #2 most definitely did not:
Aaron was colder than he was playing off. Right after this
picture, he all but bee lined it to the nearest building to stay
warm. I practically had to pry him out of the building.
When we wandered back to the start, we all reversed normal roles as I left them in the corral while I wandered off for a good cheering and photo spot. I have to admit, it was kind of weird and nice all at the same time!

I spent my time watching a handful of people run sprints and time themselves to warm up. The timing of themselves should have tipped me off that these were about to be the winners of this race. But, I don't tend to immediately think of that aspect of these events especially when my runners/fast walker have adopted a similar attitude as mine: Do what we want to do that day, and whatever happens, happens.

I know the young Crewers had some semblance of goals in mind, but I also knew they weren't hard core about them. That's a great way to start a run! That and getting cut off by a dog ...
As Aaron was a walker, he positioned himself in the back. I am here to tell you, though, he put himself way too far back. He went for the respect of being a walker and not wanting to be in the way. But, he walks himself faster than many joggers, so there was quite a spread of people strolling in between the runners and him. But, he finally emerged:
And, there everybody goes!
Once the field cleared, I meandered the few hundred yards to the finish area and positioned myself. It was here where I utilized my time putting on my eye make up (because why get up 5 minutes earlier when you have about 25 to kill between their start and finish?), and it was here I had a kid, who was about 8 years old, staring at me with his mouth gaping open wondering why there was a lady sitting on a manhole cover putting on make up in the middle of the park.

It was also here when we heard the race announcer say the winner was just about to round the corner. Everyone gasped (as it was only 15 minutes into the race) and cheered him in. And, a minute and a half later, the second place dude was seen in the distance which is when I said out loud, "Wow, what a slacker," which elicited a head whip and stare down from some guy in front of me. I looked back without blinking and said, "I mean, for real, he's so far behind the other guy." It took the man a second, but the sarcasm finally met his ear, and he decompressed. Seriously, dude: Get the context the first time.

From there, the crowd started getting more in tune with the surroundings as the running field began to thicken. I was in front of a great group of people who just cheered everyone and casually commented with, "Look at her," and "Alright, alright, look at him go ..." (By the way, they thought my above slacker comment was worth of giggles not glares.) I was in on the anxious-to-see-my-peeps vibe because the Crewers are pretty speedy. I was glad to have my eyes peeled so I could see them both come in!
I love that PC#2 asked me just this weekend, "So, mom, are
you sometimes in pain when you run? Because I can't always
tell by the look on your face." Hmm. Chip off the old block?
They had no plan to finish together, but it worked out to do so. I think they were as happy to be together as I was to see them. It's the kind of thing that does a mom's heart happy!
Wow, Nancy, your make up looks great I MEAN Awesome
job, awesome kids!!!! There's another tally mark in the 'ways
you amaze' column!!!
As we waited for Aaron to cruise around the corner, I spied this with my little eye and had to share:
HA! I think Aaron needs this shirt, by the way.
Okay, enough of the crowd gawking because Aaron was on his way!!
And, he was very happy about it!!
Aaron designated himself as the Winner of the Walkers. He was actually probably right because I didn't see anyone else walking in front of him. I think that self-proclamation stands!!

WAY TO GO, PIT CREW!!! I'm so proud of you ALL!!!
In the last installment of the working backward weekend, you know what's coming tomorrow: The. Expo.!!! So shallow yet so fun!! See you from there!!!

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