Thursday, April 9, 2015

Decked Out

The buzz is on around the house!! Everyone is ready to get on with the weekend festivities!! I spent part of today with some prep work under the heading of FASHION. Because, I'm such a fashionista, of course.

I got myself a new shirt to coordinate with one of the nail polishes in my Easter basket:
And, I had to decide on what is probably one of my most important decisions before every race: The laces.

I couldn't decide. Therefore, I didn't.
Because, why decide between fabulous and awesome?
The Crew will not be without some new duds ...
All tech all day. FANCY.
By the way, there's a 50/50 shot that I'm about to thwart whatever fashion plans Pit Crew #2 has already made. And, to be honest, she probably made those plans months back when I registered everyone for this run. It's a risk I was willing to take.

Side note about race shirts: Okay, in almost every run, your registration includes a shirt. Many people wear them on the day of the run. There are many others who wear a shirt from a different race.

I never wear the one provided for that particular race because I usually want to wear it another time before I get around to laundry.

I only wore the shirt from a different race once because it was the only short sleeved shirt I had available.

(This is about to feel like it comes way out of left field, so hang in there:) And, then, a very long time ago, Aaron told me that when you go to a concert, you do not wear the shirt of the band you are seeing. You wear a different one. Evidently, it was some kind of unwritten rule. To this day, this rolls around in my head.

So, the bottom line is: I can't help but wonder if it's a faux passé to wear the shirt of the race you are running.

I ponder all sorts of things that really don't matter because I like to think of all of the ways to look at something. So, you'll note there isn't a question mark at the end of my supposed question. It's just one more thing to stick in my head and ponder. Because I needed more things ...

Speaking of needing things in an entirely different way ... you know what tomorrow is ... THE EXPO. I'll see you from there!!

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